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The Emipre strikes back
The Emipre strikes back : A negyedik változat

A negyedik változat

  2007.06.24. 11:44

Ext plain of Hoth...

1 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - HELICOPTER SHOT - DAY 1 A white snowscape races toward camera ... the MAIN TITLE quickly recedes, followed by a roll-up. Episode V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK ... After the destruction of its most feared battle station, the Empire has declared martial law throughout the galaxy. A million worlds have felt the oppressive hand of the Emperor as He attempts to crush the growing rebellion. As the Imperial grip of tyranny tightens, Princess Leia and the small band of freedom fighters search for a more secure base of operations ... The roll-up disappears into the black horizon. 2 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - HELICOPTER SHOT - DAY 2 The camera tilts down bringing into view a small figure galloping across the windswept ice slope. 3 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - DAY 3 A closer panning shot reveals a bundled rider on a large gray snow lizard, called a TAUNTAUN. Curving plumes of snow rise from beneath the speeding paws of the two legged beast. 4 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - SLOPE - DAY 4 The rider gallops up a slope and reins his lizard to a stop. 5 EXT PLAINS OF HOTH - SLOPE - DAY 5 He pulls off his protective goggles. It is LUKE SKYWALKER. He notices something in the sky and takes a pair of electro-binoculars from his utility belt. 6 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - LUKE'S POV - DAY 6 From LUKE'S POV, we follow a bright object as it falls to the ground. On the distant horizon, an explosion marks the point of impact. 7 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - SLOPE - DAY 7 The wind whips at Luke's fur-lined cap as he activates a com-link transmitter. His lizard is nervous. LUKE (to the Tauntaun) Easy girl, it's just another meteorite. (into com-link) Han ... Han ol' buddy, do you read me? After a little static a familiar voice is heard. HAN (OS) (filtered) Loud and clear, kid. What's up? LUKE I've finished my circle and I haven't picked up any life read- ings. HAN (OS) (filtered) There isn't enough life on this ice cube to fill a space cruiser. My sentry markers are placed. I'm heading back to the base. LUKE I'll see you shortly. A meteorite just hit the ground near here and I want to check it out .. Won't be long. 8 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - SLOPE - DAY 8 Luke clicks off his transmitter and reins back on his lizard, which seems frightened. Luke pats the beast on the head to calm it. LUKE Weeho, girl! What's the matter ... you smell something? There's nothing out there. I'll check again ... Luke takes a small device from his belt and starts to adjust it when suddenly a large shadow falls over him from behind, followed by a monstrous HOWL. Luke turns and looks up at an eleven foot high shape towering over him. LUKE Son of a jumping ...!!! He grabs for his pistol, but is HIT flat in the face by a huge, white claw, knocking him into the snow, bloody and unconscious. 9 CLOSE-UP LUKE 9 Luke falls unconscious into the snow. The terrified screams of the Tauntaun are cut short by the horrible snap of a neck being broken. 10 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - SLOPE - DAY 10 The WAMPA ICE MONSTER grabs Luke by one ankle and drags him away. 11 EXT METEORITE CRATER - SNOW PLAIN - DAY 11 A WEIRD MECHANICAL SOUND is heard over the whining of the wind. A strange PROBE ROBOT, with several extended sensors, emerges from the smoke-shrouded crater. The ominous robot FLOATS across the snow plain, and disap- pears into the distance. 12 EXT ICE CAVES - REBEL BASE ENTRANCE - DAY 12 A stalwart figure rides his Tauntaun up to the entrance of an enormous ice cave. 13 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - REBEL BASE 13 Rebel troopers are rushing about unloading supplies and otherwise securing their new base. The rider swings rakishly off his lizard and pulls away his goggles: HAN SOLO. He walks briskly into the main hangar deck toward the MILLENNIUM FALCON, which is parked among several fighters. Mechanics, R-2 units and various other droids hurry about. Han stops at the Millennium Falcon. His Wookiee co-pilot is welding on the back of a central lifter. Now he stops work and lifts his face shield; CHEWIE growls a greeting to his boss. HAN Cold isn't the word for it, Chewie. I'll take a good fight any day over all this hidin' and freezin'! ... How you coming with those lifters? The Wookiee GRUMBLES a reply. HAN All right. I'll go report then I'll give you a hand with them. Soon as those lifters are fixed, we're out of here. Chewbacca lets out with a joyful CHUCKLE and returns to his work as Han leaves. 14 INT COMMAND CENTER - ICE CAVE 14 A makeshift command center has been set up in a blaster area of thick ice. The low-ceilinged room is a beehive of activity. Controllers, troopers, and droids move about setting up electronic equipment and monitoring radar signals. GENERAL RIEEKAN straightens up from a console as Han approaches. RIEEKAN Captain Solo. What's the situation? HAN There isn't a hint of life in the area. But all the perimeter markers are set, so you'll know if anyone comes calling. RIEEKAN Good, and Commander Skywalker? HAN He's checking out a meteorite that hit near him. He'll be in soon. RIEEKAN (indicates radar screen) With all the meteor activity in this system, it's going to be difficult to spot approaching ships. HAN The Empire won't look for you out here. I'd say you're all set ... which means it's time for me to get going. LEIA (OS) You're leaving? The two men turn to see PRINCESS LEIA, dressed in a short white combat jacket and pants. She is upset by Han's news. Her hair is braided and tied across her head in a "30's" Nordic fashion ... HAN That's right. RIEEKAN You're an extraordinary fighter. I hate to lose you. HAN Thank you, General. But there's a price on my head. If I don't pay off Jabba the Hutt, I'm a walking dead man. RIEEKAN I understand. A death mark is not an easy thing to live with ... Until our paths cross again, may the force be with you. Rieekan touches Han and moves away. Han turns to Leia. HAN (with feeling) I guess this is it, Your Highness. Leia is angry. Han sees she has no warmth to offer him. He shakes his head and adopts a cooler tone. HAN Well, don't get all mushy on me. So long, Princess. Han walks away. Leia stews a moment, then follows him. 15 INT ICE CORRIDOR - REBEL BASE - HOTH 15 Han strides down a corridor carved from the ice. Leia follows quickly, agitated. Behind them, unnoticed, an appendage of a Wampa Ice Monster suddenly detaches from a seemingly solid section of ice wall. LEIA Han! Han stops in the quiet corridor and turns to face Leia. HAN Yes, Your Highness? LEIA You said you were going to stay. What happened? HAN That bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind. LEIA Does Luke know? HAN He'll know when he gets back ... Don't give me that look. Every day more bounty hunters are searching for me. If I don't pay off Jabba soon, there'll be too many to stop ... Remotes, Gank killers, and who knows what else. I've got to get that price off my head while I still have a head. LEIA Han, we need you here. HAN We? LEIA Yes. HAN Not you? LEIA (mystified) Me? I don't know what you mean. HAN (shakes his head, fed-up) You probably don't. How could you? You're so terrified of your own emotions ... LEIA And what are they, pray tell? HAN You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me. LEIA I respect you. You're a bold fighter, maybe not the brightest, but ... HAN No, your worship.. That's not what I'm talking about. Leia stares at him, understands, then laughs. LEIA You're imagining things. Han has had it with this broad. He steps closer. Leia is almost against the wall. Han puts a hand against the wall to cut off any retreat. HAN Am I? I say you came running after me because you were afraid I was leaving you without even a kiss. LEIA I'd just as soon kiss a wookiee. HAN There's no accounting for taste. Believe me, you could use a good kiss. (warming to the subject) You've spent so much time doing your duty and giving orders you've never learned how to be a woman. It's a shame, because you've got all the makings for one. I could have helped you plenty in that department ... if you'd have let go for a minute. But it's too late now, sweetheart. Your big opportunity is flying out of here. LEIA We are fighting for a cause much ... HAN Spare me please! Don't tell me about the Rebellion again. I've had it with your noble mission. All you let yourself think about is the Rebellion. The result is you're as cold as this planet. LEIA And you think you're the one to apply some heat? HAN Sure ... If I were interested. But I don't think it'd be much fun. He steps away from her, takes a last cool appraisal. HAN (Continued) We'll meet again. Maybe you'll have grown up a little by then. LEIA You have all the breeding of a Bantha, but not as much class ... Enjoy your trip, hot shot! Leia walks away. 16 EXT ICE PLAIN OF HOTH - DAY 16 Track with the sinister, probe robot as it moves across the vast frozen wilderness. One of its extended sensors detects something and the robot stops, turns and heads off in another direction, at high speed. 17 EXT MOUND OF SNOW - ICE PLAIN - HOTH - DAY 17 The robot stops before a large mound of snow about twenty feet long and six feet high. It circles the mound, then shoots a thin laser bolt at the snow drift. 18 CLOSE-UP MOUND OF SNOW 18 The mound shakes a little bit and two large eyes appear at one end, staring directly at the robot. A primeval BELLOW issues forth from the mound. 19 EXT MOUND OF SNOW - ICE PLAIN - HOTH - DAY 19 The robot backs off a few feet, then blasts the mound with a heavy laser bolt that disintegrates the snow- covered creature in a cloud of smoke and flame. 20 EXT ICE PLAIN - HOTH - DAY 20 The evil robot moves off toward the horizon. 21 EXT ICE GORGE - HOTH - DUSK 21 The jagged face of a huge ice wall sits gloomily in the dim twilight of a Hoth day. Luke hangs spreadeagle upside down, ankles tied by hide thongs to ice stalactites, his extended arms within a meter of the snow floor. His face is covered in dried frozen blood on one side. He opens his eyes as a chilling MOAN of the hideous ice creature echoes off the gorge walls. 22 EXT ICE GORGE - MED SHOT LUKE - DUSK 22 Luke pulls himself up, grabs hold of his ankles, and futilely tries to unfasten the thongs. Exhausted, he drops back into the hanging position. LUKE (to himself) Relax. Relax. Luke spies his laser sword lying near a pile of his discarded gear about three feet out of reach. Rever- berating through the gorge, the growling and crunching sounds of the approaching ice monster can be heard. Luke desperately strains for his sword. Quietly, almost a whisper, Luke hears old BEN'S CALM VOICE. BEN (Voice Over) Luke, think the saber in your hand. Luke focuses on the saber as the huge monster's feet crunch closer. Luke's hand strains toward the weapon, his eyes squeeze tight in concentration. LUKE Gotta relax, relax .... BEN (Voice Over) Let The Force flow, Luke. Just as the ice monster looms over Luke, the light saber suddenly jumps three feet into Luke's hand. The young warrior instantly ignites the sword, swings up and cuts both of his bindings. He drops to the snow in a heap. The startled ice monster moves back, his giant yellow eyes blinking. The most that can be discerned of the creature is a shape, and those two perplexed eyes. Luke scrambles to his feet. He swings his light saber and the monster screams in pain. 23 EXT ENTRANCE TO ICE GORGE - HOTH - DUSK 23 Luke staggers out of the gorge and stumbles down a snow bank. 24 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - MILLENNIUM FALCON - DUSK 24 The hangar is full of activity. We hear a familiar stream of beeps and whistles a moment before catching sight of ARTOO and THREEPIO, who appear from a corridor and move along an ice wall toward the Millennium Falcon. Behind them, in the ice, two large yellow eyes blink open. THREEPIO It is not my fault, you malfunc- tioning twerp. I merely commented That it was freezing in her chamber. But it's supposed to be freezing. I did not ask you to turn on the thermal heater. I don't know how we'll get all her things dried out ... Ah. Here we are. The two robots stop at Han Solo's space freighter. Han and Chewie are still struggling with their central lifters. THREEPIO Captain Solo, sir. Might I have a word with you? HAN What is it? THREEPIO Mistress Leia has been trying to reach you on the communicator, but either you have it turned off, or it is malfunctioning ... if it's damaged, Artoo, could fix it, if you like. HAN I shut it off. What's her royal holiness want? THREEPIO She is looking for Master Luke, and assumed he would be here with you. No one seems to know ... Han glances at the fading light at the entrance of the ice cave as night slowly begins to fall on the planet. HAN (concerned) Luke's not back yet? It's almost night out there! Han jumps down off the lift. HAN Bolt it down, Chewie ... (yelling) Deck Sergeant! (into com-link) Control, has Commander Skywalker reported in yet? He gets a negative reply as the DECK SERGEANT and an AIDE rush up to Han. DECK SERGEANT Yes sir! HAN Sergeant, is Commander Skywalker back yet? DECK SERGEANT I haven't seen him. He probably came in through the south entrance. HAN Probably isn't good enough, Sergeant. Check on it! The Deck Sergeant and his aide turn and rush off. Artoo lets out a confused whistle. THREEPIO I don't know, Artoo. (to Han) Sir, might I inquire what's going on? HAN Go tell your precious Princess ... Luke is dead unless he shows up soon. Artoo lets out with a hysterical whistle. THREEPIO Oh no! 25 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - TAUNTAUN CORRAL - NEAR ENTRANCE 25 DUSK The Deck Sergeant and several Troopers inspect the mangled remains of three dead Tauntauns. Some of the hardware nearby has also been brutally pulled out of shape. Several surviving Tauntauns shuffle nervously nearby. Outside the light is slowly fading. TROOPER (to Deck Sergeant) ... I can't imagine, sir. Their necks are broken. The Deck Sergeant nods, then notices Han running up and steps out of the group to meet him. DECK SERGEANT Commander Skywalker hasn't come through the south entrance, sir. Maybe he slipped by without checking in. HAN Not likely! Where are the speeders? DECK SERGEANT We haven't got them adapted to this cold yet ... HAN We'll have to go out on Tauntauns. DECK SERGEANT The temperature is dropping too fast. HAN You bet it is ... and Luke's out in it. Han pushes through the troops and mounts a snow lizard. Huge monster feet move into the shadows of one of the X wing bays. DECK SERGEANT The night storms will start before you can reach the first marker. HAN Then I'll see you in Hell. 26 EXT SNOW CAVE ENTRANCE - REBEL BASE - DUSK 26 The small, lone figure riding a snow lizard races off into the hostile vastness of snow and cold. The slightest hint of wind blows up the snow behind the Tauntaun. 27 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - DUSK 27 The dark, evil probe robot moves across the frozen floor of the Hoth plain. The wind is beginning to pick up, and snow starts to cake on the front of the robot. It stops, hovers, then drops to the ground. Several probes emerge from its metal hull and a dome shaped force field around the robot begins to glow. Eventually, the force field becomes a solid shape and is quickly covered with the blowing snow. 28 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - DUSK 28 Han rides across the plain on his Tauntaun. 29 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - CLOSE-UP HAN - DUSK 29 He reigns his mount to a stop, looks around and listens. It's almost as if he hears something. He turns and looks in one direction, then spurs his lizard in that direction. 30 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - DUSK 30 Han rides off across the plain on his Tauntaun. 31 EXT SNOW DRIFT - HOTH - DUSK 31 The wind is blowing quite strong now. Luke struggles to stay upright, but a blast of freezing snow knocks him over. He struggles to get up, but can't. The young warrior from Tatooine drags himself a couple of feet and then collapses. LUKE I can't ... BEN You must. Luke, look at me! Luke looks up and sees old BEN KENOBI standing not ten feet away. Luke strains to lift himself up. He is speechless. BEN You must survive, Luke. LUKE I'm cold ... so cold ... BEN You must go to the Dagobah System ... There you will learn from one who taught me: Yoda, the Jedi Master. LUKE Ben ... Ben ... BEN Luke ... you are the only hope. The image of Ben fades, revealing a lone rider on a Tauntaun in the windswept horizon. LUKE Ben!? Luke drops into unconsciousness. 32 EXT SNOW DRIFT - HOTH - DUSK 32 Han pulls up, leaps off his lizard. He goes to his snow-covered friend and cradles him in his arms. Han's Tauntaun lets out a low, pitiful bellow. There is real fear in Han's face as he shakes Luke. HAN Come on, buddy, you aren't dead yet. Give me a sign here. Luke doesn't respond. Han begins frantically rubbing Luke's wounded face. Soon he is slapping him. HAN Don't do this, Luke, it's not your time ... Luke responds to a slap. Han is joyous. HAN All right! I knew you wouldn't leave me out here all alone! Han glances over toward his Tauntaun with concern as he starts to lift Luke. HAN (to Luke) We've got to get you out of here before our transportation freezes. 33 EXT SNOW DRIFT BY TAUNTAUN - HOTH - DUSK 33 Han has carried Luke almost to the lizard when the Tauntaun dies with a moan. Han checks the lizard. HAN Blast! Deader than a Triton moon. We haven't got much time. Han ignites Luke's light saber and cuts the beast from head to toe. He quickly shovels the steaming innards of the beast into the snow. Then he lifts Luke's inert form and stuffs him inside the carcass. HAN I know this doesn't smell so good, Luke, but it'll keep you from freezing. I'm sure this Tauntaun wouldn't hesitate if it were the other way around. (Han gets an awful whiff of the insides) Whew! It's just as well you're out, pal. Han starts pulling things out of a pack on the dead lizard's back. HAN (into com-link) Base one, do you copy? ... This com-link is useless. The wind has picked up considerably and Han is beginning to find it difficult to move. He struggles with the shelter container, opens it and starts constructing it. HAN If I don't get this shelter up fast, Jabba the Hutt won't need those bounty hunters. 34 SNOW DRIFT - HOTH - DUSK 34 A veil of icy snow flows across the snow drift obscuring the doomed warriors. 35 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - ENTRANCE - NIGHT 35 Princess Leia and her two robots stand before the dark entrance to the rebel base, waiting for a sign of the two rebel heroes. Leia shivers as the cold wind blows in on her. Artoo beeps a mournful tone. Chewie is sitting nearby with his head in his hands. THREEPIO Artoo can pick up no signals, although he feels his range is probably too limited to give up hope. Leia nods an acknowledgement, but she is lost in thought that is only broken when General Rieekan approaches. RIEEKAN Nothing more can be done tonight. The shield doors must be closed. I can't wait any longer. I'm sorry. LEIA (resigned) I understand. Chewie lets out a long, mournful howl, somewhat like a coyote. RIEEKAN The speeders should be ready in the morning. They'll make the search easier. LEIA Is there any chance of them surviving out there? RIEEKAN Slim, but yes, there's a chance. They have a shelter. It's not much, but ... Artoo lets out with a complex series of efficient beeps. THREEPIO Beggin' your pardon, ma'am, but Artoo says the chances of survival are one thousand, seven hundred twenty-seven to one. (to Artoo) Actually, I don't think we needed to know that. Leia stands praying to herself as the huge metal doors slam across the entrance of the ice cave. The loud BOOMS echo through the huge cavern. Chewie lets out another howl. 36 EXT ICE PLAIN - HOTH - DAWN 36 The huge dim sun of Hoth crawls lazily over the horizon in the North as a spurt of snow shoots skyward revealing the dark probe robot. The sinister object pulls in several of its extended arms, hovers for a few moments, then starts off across the bleak Hoth plain. 37 EXT SNOWDRIFT - HOTH - DAY 37 A small, snub-nosed, armored landspeeder races across the white landscape. 38 INT ARMORED SNOWSPEEDER - HOTH SNOWDRIFTS - DAY 38 There is only one PILOT, ZEV, in the enclosed two-man craft. He concentrates on the scopes which ring his cockpit. A low beep can be heard. ZEV (excited) I've got something! Not much but it could be a life form FTC 2321 by TRX 1173. I'm closing in ... 39 EXT ARMORED SNOWSPEEDER - HOTH SNOWDRIFTS - DAY 39 The small craft banks and makes a slow arc racing off in a new direction. 40 INT ARMORED SNOWSPEEDER - HOTH SNOWDRIFTS - DAY 40 The pilot switches over to a new transmitter. ZEV This is S-122 calling Captain Solo, Commander Skywalker. Do you copy? This is S-122 ... There is a sharp crackle of static then a faint voice. HAN (OS) (filtered) Nice of you guys to drop by. Hope we didn't get you up too early. ZEV (switching transmitters) Base One, I found them, Repeat, I found them .... 41 EXT SNOWDRIFT - HOTH - DAY 41 The small shelter is covered with snow on the windward side. Han has made a makeshift antenna which rests gingerly on top of the snowdrift. The small armored speeder can be seen approaching in the distance as Han waves frantically in the foreground. 42 INT MEDICAL CENTER - REBEL BASE 42 Strange ROBOT SURGEONS adjust a mass of electronic equipment. A switch is thrown and a sudden blinding flash obscures Luke in a chamber filled with a thick, gelatinous red slime. Luke begins to thrash about, raving in his delirium. 43 INT MEDICAL CENTER OBSERVATION ROOM - REBEL BASE 43 Leia, Threepio, and Chewbacca are watching from a glassed-off room next door, where Han is resting on a cushioned medical table. They can hear the mechanical surgeons working and Luke's ravings on a speaker in the room. LUKE Watch out ... snow creatures ... dangerous ... Yoda ... go to Yoda ... only hope ... must survive .... Han raises himself on the table, listening to Luke. Chewbacca makes him lie back down, then BARKS a comment in reference to Luke. HAN He doesn't make sense to me either, Chewie. THREEPIO I do hope he's all there ... if you take my meaning. I would hate to see Master Luke develop a short circuit ... HAN The kid ran into something mean, and it wasn't the cold. LEIA Those creatures he keeps talking about ... we'd better double the security ... Han, I don't know how ... HAN Forget it. TOO-ONEBEE (2-1B), a surgeon droid, enters the room. TOO-ONEBEE He had gone into dormo-shock, almost hibernation. But he's responding to the Bacta. We'll bring him through. Leia breathes a sigh of relief. Chewie lets out a long GRUNT of approval. LEIA Now all we've got to worry about is what attacked him. HAN No kidding. If this snowball's got nasty natives, they could be anywhere. Chewie WHINES, looks around. HAN That's right, Chewie, inside the base. 44 INT CORRIDOR - REBEL BASE 44 The drip, drip, drip of melting ice echoes throughout the long eerie corridor. A trooper walks by, followed at a short distance by Artoo, who rolls along whistling to himself. Behind him, a Wampa Ice Monster suddenly appears from out of the wall and begins following the little droid. Up ahead Artoo sees several troopers begin to act rather strangely, pointing at him and yelling. This puzzles Artoo, and he stops for a moment to figure it out. Far in the distance, alarms begin to go off. Artoo comes to a conclusion, spins his head around and sees the Ice Monster staring down at him. The droid lets out a screech and races down the hall at full tilt ahead of the advancing monster. A small troop of soldiers has gathered at the end of the hallway with weapons. Artoo races through the armed gathering as the creature screams and charges the troopers, laser bolts exploding around him. Artoo peeks from around a corner in time to see several troopers hurled against the walls like rag dolls. Two soldiers fire a laser bazooka at the monster and it is obscured by an enormous explosion. The smoke clears. The silence is spooky. The Ice Monster stands seemingly dumbstruck. Artoo gives a short, worried beep. The creature topples over in a dead heap. A cheer goes up from Artoo and the troopers as they converge to inspect the fallen creature. A young CORPORAL pulls his com-link off his belt and speaks into it. CORPORAL We got it, sir, but there may be more. 45 INT COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE 45 Alarms buzz softly in the background. The entire command center is on full alert. General Rieekan is conferring with the HEAD CONTROLLER as Han and Leia enter the room. Threepio and Chewie follow. LEIA Have they analyzed the one that was killed? RIEEKAN Not yet. They're working on it now. Another alarm goes off at a console behind them and the SENSOR CONTROLLER at that spot calls across the room. SENSOR CONTROLLER General! Rieekan leaves the group as they continue ... HEAD CONTROLLER It won't be long before our sensors will be able to track them. THREEPIO It figures Artoo would be in the middle of this. HAN It's going to be a little tricky around here until we know where they're coming form. 46 INT COMMAND CENTER BY CONSOLE - REBEL BASE 46 Rieekan looks up grimly from the console in the back- ground. He calls over to Leia and Han. RIEEKAN We have a visitor. The group hurries over to Rieekan. RIEEKAN We've picked up something outside the base in zone one, moving East. LEIA What is it? SENSOR CONTROLLER Can't tell yet ... Metal. HAN Then it's not one of those creatures. LEIA Could it be one of ours? A speeder? SENSOR CONTROLLER I'm getting no signal. Wait, something very weak. Threepio steps up to the control panel and listens to the strange signal intensely. THREEPIO I must say, sir, I'm fluent in over six million forms of communi- cation, but this is something new ... must be in code or .... A new VOICE comes over the com-link. TROOPER VOICE This is station five and we have your object on our scopes ... It's just over the ridge, we should have visual contact in about ... What the? ... Oh no! The transmission ends in static. HAN Whatever it is, it isn't friendly. I'm going to have a look. Come on, Chewie. RIEEKAN Wait. I'll send a patrol with you. HAN (over his shoulder) Fine. But they'll have to take care of themselves. 47 EXT SNOW PLAIN - OVER REBEL BASE - HOTH - DAY 47 The dark probe robot moves past the smoldering ruins of the station fire and down a ridge toward the rebel base. 48 EXT SNOW PLAIN - SPEEDER - OVER REBEL BASE - HOTH - DAY 48 The robot stops when it sees in the distance a tiny speeder racing toward it followed by several other speeders. A large antenna projects skyward from the robot's top and it begins to send out a PIERCING SIGNAL. 49 EXT SNOW DUNE - SPEEDER - HOTH - DAY 49 The speeder disappears behind a snow dune. 50 EXT SNOW PLAIN - OVER REBEL BASE - HOTH - DAY 50 The sinister robot continues to send out its high pitched signal while frantically searching the landscape for the rebel speeders. 51 EXT SNOW PLAIN - OVER REBEL BASE - HOTH - DAY 51 Shortly, Chewbacca pops his head over a snow bank not thirty feet away. The robot swings around, its deadly ray ready to fire. But before it can get a shot off, it is hit from behind by a laser bolt, and explodes in a million pieces. 52 EXT SNOW PLAIN - OVER REBEL BASE - HOTH - DAY 52 Han Solo rises from the direction of the deadly bolt and walks over to the spot where the robot was a moment before, taking out his com-link. 53 INT COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE 53 Princess Leia and Rieekan listen to Han on the com-link. HAN (OS) (filtered) .... I'm afraid there's not much left. LEIA What was it? HAN (OS) (filtered) Droid of some kind. I didn't hit it that hard. It must have had a self-destruct .... LEIA An Imperial probe droid. HAN (OS) (filtered) Now don't panic. We don't know that. RIEEKAN But, we don't know it wasn't. 54 SPACE - IMPERIAL FLEET 54 Darth Vader's Star Destroyer, larger and stranger than the five Imperial Star Destroyers that surround it, sits in the vastness of space. The six huge ships are surrounded by a convoy of smaller spacecraft. Tie fighters dart to and fro. 55 INT BRIDGE - MAIN CONTROL DECK - VADER'S STAR DESTROYER 55 Controllers working the vast complex of electronic controls hear ominous, approaching footsteps and look up from their controls. The squat, evil-looking ADMIRAL OZZEL and the young, powerfully-built GENERAL VEERS, who have been conferring near the front, also feel the approaching presence and turn that way. DARTH VADER, Lord of the Sith, enters like a chill wind. As he moves across the wide bridge, CAPTAIN PIETT hurries up to Ozzel. PIETT I think we've found them, Admiral. OZZEL Are you sure, Captain? PIETT Well, the report we have is only a fragment, from a probe droid in the Hoth System, but it's the best lead we've had in .... OZZEL (angry) We have millions of probe droids searching the galaxy ... I want proof, not leads. I don't intend to continue to chase around from one side .... VADER (looming over the group) The Hoth System? PIETT Yes, Sir .... we have visuals ... the System is supposed to be devoid of human forms ... On a large screen, an image of the rebel snow base appears surrounded by complicated computer readouts. The rebel speeders can be seen approaching in the distance. Vader studies the image. VADER That's it. That's the one. OZZEL My Lord, how do you know it's them? There are so many uncharted settlements. It could be smugglers ... VADER I know. And I know young Skywalker is with them. Bring in the patrol ships, Admiral, and set your course for the Hoth System. General Veers prepare your men .... 56 INT ICE CORRIDOR - REBEL BASE - HOTH 56 Artoo and Threepio are moving by a steel door on which an X had been painted. From behind it come intermittent THUMPS and ROARS. THREEPIO ... It seems the snow creatures are attracted to a high-pitched whistle. That's how they're being drawn to this trap. Artoo WHISTLES his understanding as he stands before the door. Immediately the THUMPING on the door picks up. Artoo beeps a question. THREEPIO See your whistles upset them. No, I told you they can't get out! Now will you hurry up? I don't know why I bother ... Threepio moves around a corner. Artoo stares at the door another moment, then proceeds to tell the Ice Monsters off in a burst of beeps and whistles. The THUMPING picks up as Artoo moves casually away. 57 INT MEDICAL CENTER - REBEL BASE 57 Luke is out of the chamber, lying on the bed previously occupied by Han. Leia is at his side. She brushes the hair out of his eyes and runs her fingers along the scar on his face. LEIA The Bacta are growing well. The scars should be gone in a day or so. Does it still hurt? LUKE I'm fine. Really. Leia ... when I was out there and it looked pretty bad ... well, it made me think about things. LEIA Me too. I was afraid. Their eyes meet. Luke touches her cheek with his hand. LUKE I don't really know how to say this ... I never have before ... Leia, you know how I feel about you ... She does and it's confusing. Their lips are very close. About to kiss. The door opens noisily and Threepio enters with Artoo. Leia pulls back, startled. Luke realizes the moment has been lost. His mind races for a way to regain it as Leia takes on her more formal manner. The droids are a bothersome distraction; Luke's concentration is on Leia. Artoo beeps a cheerful greeting. THREEPIO Master Luke, it's so good to see you functional again. LUKE Thanks, Threepio. Leia ... Artoo beeps and whistles. THREEPIO Artoo expresses his relief also. LUKE Good. Thanks, Artoo. LEIA (about to leave) You rest now. THREEPIO So much has happened during the period of your indisposition, sir. LEIA I'll be back later. LUKE (anxious to keep her) Leia ... What would you think if I went away for a while? LEIA What did you say?! Leia's reaction is so much bigger and more vociferous than Luke expected, it starts what is to become a growing snowball of confusion for him. LEIA Where are you going? LUKE I have this ... feeling. I'm not sure, really ... LEIA That's just great. Why doesn't everyone just take off? LUKE What are you talking about? LEIA First Han, now you. When am I going to learn not to count on anyone but myself? ... LUKE Han's leaving? LEIA ... I was getting along just fine before I met you two moon jockeys. LUKE Calm down, will ya? Tell me about Han. LEIA He wants to pay off that criminal he's in hock to. LUKE Jabba the Hutt? LEIA (back to her tirade) I could get more loyalty if I went down the hall and recruited some of those snow creatures. LUKE Snow creatures ... they're here?! THREEPIO Yes, sir. But they're being trapped quite cleverly. Artoo beeps and whistles proudly. THREEPIO (to Artoo) What do you mean, you took care of that? I would hardly call your part in that matter great ... Luke's head is spinning as Han and Chewie make a vigorous entrance. The Wookiee GROWLS a greeting. HAN Hi kid, you look strong enough to wrestle a Gundark. LUKE Thanks to you. HAN That's two you owe me, junior. Han turns to Leia with a big, devilish grin. HAN Well, your worship, it looks like you arranged to keep me close by for a while longer. LEIA I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we know where that probe came from. LUKE Probe? What probe? HAN That makes a good story. But I think you just can't bear to let me out of your sight. LEIA I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brains. Chewie is amused; he LAUGHS in his manner. Han is enjoying this. He regards Chewie good-humoredly. HAN Laugh it up, fuzz ball. You didn't see her alone with me in the south passage. Luke sparks to this; he looks at Leia. LEIA (to Luke) I don't know what he's talking about. HAN Ooops! I guess you haven't told Luke about that yet. LUKE About what? HAN Now don't get the wrong idea, pal. She was just trying to express her true feelings for me. LEIA (to Han) You must have gone completely out of your feeble mind. HAN Come on, your highness, are you telling me you haven't been thinking about that kiss? Leia is flushed, eyes darting between Luke And Han. LEIA Why you low-down, stuck-up, half- witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder. HAN Who's scruffy-looking? (a big grin) I tell ya' sweetheart, I must've hit pretty close to the mark to get you hoppin' like this. Doesn't it look that way to you, Luke? LUKE (staring at Leia) Yeah ... it does ... kind of. Leia looks vulnerable for a moment, then the mask again, focusing on Luke. LEIA Oh it does, does it? Well, I guess you don't understand every- thing about women yet ... do you, sonny? With that Leia leans over and kisses Luke on the lips. Then she stands and walks out. Everyone is dumbstruck. The door closes behind Leia and they all look at each other in silence. In the distance, the muffled sound of an alarm is heard. 58 SPACE - IMPERIAL FLEET 58 Six huge star destroyers rest in the Hoth System. 59 INT STAR DESTROYER - VADER'S CHAMBER 59 A dark cubicle is illuminated by a single shaft of light from above. The brooding Dark Lord sits on a raised meditation cube. General Veers enters the room and approaches Vader. Vader doesn't move. Veers, although seemingly very sure of himself, is still not bold enough to interrupt the meditating Lord. The young general stands quietly at attention until the evil presence speaks. VADER What is it, Veers? VEERS My Lord, the fleet has moved out of light speed. Com-Scan has detected an energy field protecting an area on the sixth planet in the Hoth System. The field is strong enough to deflect any bombardment. VADER (angry) The rebel scum is alerted to our presence. I told Admiral Ozzel not to go out of light speed so close to the system. VEERS He felt surprise was a wiser ... VADER He's as clumsy as he is stupid. A clean bombardment is impossible with that energy shield up. Prepare your troops for a surface attack. Veers turns smartly and leaves as Vader activates a large view-screen showing the bridge of the mighty space cruiser. Admiral Ozzel appears, with Captain Piett in the background. OZZEL Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of light ... VADER Captain Piett! The Captain steps forward, as the Admiral moves away slightly confused, touching his throat as it begins to constrict. PIETT Yes, My Lord. VADER Make ready to land General Veers' assault troops on the surface. Then deploy the fleet so that nothing can get off that system. You're in command now, Admiral Piett. Piett is as pleased as he is surprised. Admiral Ozzel has been struggling to breathe in the background and now with a final choke, he dies. 60 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - REBEL BASE 60 Alarms sound. Troops, ground crews and droids rush to their alert stations. Armored landspeeders are lined up in attack formation near the main entrance. Leia is briefing a group of pilots gathered in the center of the hangar. Beyond them Han can be seen doing some frantic welding on the lifters of the Millennium Falcon. LEIA ... the large transport ships will leave as soon as they've loaded. Only two fighter escorts per ship. The energy shield can only be opened for a split second at a time, so you'll have to stay very close to the transports. PILOT What about those Imperial ships out there? LEIA The ion cannon will fire two blasts which will destroy any enemy ships in your flight path. Then proceed to the rendezvous point. Good luck. The pilots hurry away. 61 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - MILLENNIUM FALCON - REBEL BASE 61 Han finishes his work and hops down to the hangar floor. He pulls out his com-link, all the time eyeing the lifters. HAN (into com-link) All right, Chewie, give it a try. Leia passes, giving Han a dirty look. A mechanism on the pirate's ship makes a noise and the lifters begin to rise. Suddenly there is a malfunction and the right lifter breaks partially loose, swinging down with a crash. Han winces. Leia, across the hangar, turns at the sound and shoots Han a "What a screw-up!" look, then goes out. HAN (into com-link) Hold it, Chewie. 62 INT COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE - HOTH 62 The command center is quiet but tense, a marked contrast to the rushing about on the hangar deck. Only the buzz of complicated electronic equipment overrides the silence. General Rieekan watches over the shoulder of a RADARMAN as hundreds of small dots dance across a scope readout. Leia joins him. RADARMAN Imperial assault craft have landed on the far side. RIEEKAN If they reach the power generators, that will be the end of our energy shield. LEIA We must hold them off until all our ships are safely away. CONTROLLER The first transport is ready ... Stand by to fire the ion cannon. 63 EXT IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER - SPACE 63 FULL SHOT - A huge Imperial Star Destroyer rests against a sea of stars with the white surface of the planet Hoth far below in the left part of the frame. 64 INT IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER NO. 1 BRIDGE 64 FULL SHOT - Interior Imperial Star Destroyer. Out window stars and the white planet on the left side of the frame. CONTROLLER Sir ... rebel ship coming into our sector. CAPTAIN Good, our first catch of the day. Close in .... 65 COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE 65 The long line of rebel controllers are tense, as are Princess Leia and General Rieekan, although they try not to show it. R-2 scoots by in the background followed by Threepio; they leave the room. CONTROLLER Our transport is approaching the shield. RADARMAN Open the shield and fire. 66 EXT ION CANNON - REBEL BASE ICE COVE 66 FULL SHOT - Giant ball-shaped ion cannon as it rotates into position and blasts two red energy beams skyward. 67 SPACE - HOTH REBEL TRANSPORT 67 FULL SHOT - SPACE - The planet Hoth covers two-thirds of the frame, left and lower. A medium rebel transport races away from the planet, followed by the two red energy beams. All race over camera. 68 SPACE - IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER - REBEL TRANSPORT 68 FULL SHOT TRUCKING as the rebel transport races over the camera toward the waiting Imperial Star Destroyer, followed, then overtaken by the two red energy bolts. The Imperial Star Destroyer is hit in the conning tower by the bolts, causing great explosions. 69 SPACE - IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER - REBEL TRANSPORT 69 FULL SHOT - Imperial Star Destroyer as a series of explosions rock the ship causing it to veer, then spin wildly out of control. SIDE VIEW of Star Destroyer right to left as it careens into deep space, and the rebel transport moves across the screen left to right. 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