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The Emipre strikes back
The Emipre strikes back : A végleges változat

A végleges változat

  2007.06.24. 11:40

Long time ago, in Galaxi far, far, away

STAR WARS Episode V THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK Script adaptation by Lawrence Kasdan and Leigh Brackett from a story by George Lucas LUCASFILM LTD. ---------------------- A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away... It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Although the Death Star has been destroyed, Imperial troops have driven the Rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy. Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet, a group of freedom fighters led by Luke Skywalker has established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hoth. The evil lord Darth Vader, obsessed with finding young Skywalker, has dispatched thousands of remote probes into the far reaches of space... EXTERIOR: GALAXY -- PLANET HOTH A Star Destroyer moves through space, releasing Imperial probe robots from its underside. One of these probes zooms toward the planet Hoth and lands on its ice-covered surface. An explosion marks the point of impact. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- METEORITE CRATER -- SNOW PLAIN -- DAY A weird mechanical sound rises above the whining of the wind. A strange probe robot, with several extended sensors, emerges from the smoke-shrouded crater. The ominous mechanical probe floats across the snow plain and disappears into the distance. EXTERIOR: PLAIN OF HOTH -- DAY A small figure gallops across the windswept ice slope. The bundled rider is mounted on a large gray snow lizard, a Tauntaun. Curving plumes of snow rise from beneath the speeding paws of the two-legged beast. The rider gallops up a slope and reins his lizard to a stop. Pulling off his protective goggles, Luke Skywalker notices something in the sky. He takes a pair of electrobinoculars from his utility belt and through them sees smoke rising from where the probe robot has crashed. The wind whips at Luke's fur-lined cap and he activates a comlink transmitter. His Tauntaun shifts and moans nervously beneath him. LUKE: (into comlink) Echo Three to Echo Seven. Han, old buddy, do you read me? After a little static a familiar voice is heard. HAN: (over comlink) Loud and clear, kid. What's up? LUKE: (into comlink) Well, I finished my circle. I don't pick up any life readings. HAN: (over comlink) There isn't enough life on this ice cube to fill a space cruiser. The sensors are placed. I'm going back. LUKE: (into comlink) Right. I'll see you shortly. There's a meteorite that hit the ground near here. I want to check it out. It won't take long. Luke clicks off his transmitter and reins back on his nervous lizard. He pats the beast on the head to calm it. LUKE: Hey, steady girl. What's the matter? You smell something? Luke takes a small device from his belt and starts to adjust it when suddenly a large shadow falls over him from behind. He hears a monstrous howl and turns to see an eleven- foot-tall shape towering over him. It is a Wampa Ice Creature, lunging at him ferociously. LUKE: Aaargh! Luke grabs for his pistol, but is hit flat in the face by a huge white claw. He falls unconscious into the snow and in a moment the terrified screams of the Tauntaun are cut short by the horrible snap of a neck being broken. The Wampa Ice Creature grabs Luke by one ankle and drags him away across the frozen plain. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE ENTRANCE -- DAY A stalwart figure rides his Tauntaun up to the entrance of an enormous ice cave. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR DECK Rebel troopers rush about unloading supplies and otherwise securing their new base. The rider, Han Solo, swings off his lizard and pulls off his goggles. He walks into the main hangar deck toward the Millennium Falcon, which is parked among several fighters. Mechanics, R2 units, and various other droids hurry about. Han stops at the Millennium Falcon where his Wookiee copilot, Chewbacca, is welding on a central lifter. Chewie stops his work and lifts his face shield, growling an irritated greeting to his boss. HAN: Chewie! The Wookiee grumbles a reply. HAN: All right, don't lose your temper. I'll come right back and give you a hand. Chewbacca puts his mask back on and returns to his welding as Han leaves. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- COMMAND CENTER A makeshift command center has been set up in a blasted area of thick ice. The low-ceilinged room is a beehive of activity. Controllers, troops, and droids move about setting up electronic equipment and monitoring radar signals. General Rieekan straightens up from a console at Han's approach. RIEEKAN: Solo? HAN: No sign of life out there, General. The sensors are in place. You'll know if anything comes around. RIEEKAN: Commander Skywalker reported in yet? HAN: No. He's checking out a meteorite that hit near him. RIEEKAN: (indicates radar screen) With all the meteor activity in this system, it's going to be difficult to spot approaching ships. Taking a deep breath, Han blurts out what is on his mind. HAN: General, I've got to leave. I can't stay anymore. Princess Leia, standing at a console nearby, is dressed in a short white combat jacket and pants. Her hair is brained and tied across her head in a Nordic fashion. She overhears their conversation and seems somewhat distressed. RIEEKAN: I'm sorry to hear that. HAN: Well, there's a price on my head. If I don't pay off Jabba the Hut, I'm a dead man. RIEEKAN: A death mark's not an easy thing to live with. You're a good fighter, Solo. I hate to lose you. HAN: Thank you, General. He turns to Leia as Rieekan moves away. HAN: (with feeling) Well, Your Highness, I guess this is it. LEIA: That's right. Leia is angry. Han sees she has no warmth to offer him. He shakes his head and adopts a sarcastic tone. HAN: (cooly) Well, don't get all mushy on me. So long, Princess. Han walks away into the quiet corridor adjoining the command center. Leia stews a moment, then hurries after him. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- ICE CORRIDOR LEIA: Han! Han stops in the corridor and turns to face Leia. HAN: Yes, Your Highnessness? LEIA: I thought you decided to stay. HAN: Well, the bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind. LEIA: Han, we need you! HAN: We? LEIA: Yes. HAN: Oh, what about you need? LEIA: (mystified) I need? I don't know what you're talking about. HAN: (shakes his head, fed up) You probably don't. LEIA: And what precisely am I supposed to know? HAN: Come on! You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me. LEIA: Yes. You're a great help to us. You're a natural leader... HAN: No! That's not it. Come on. Aahhh -- uh huh! Come on. Leia stares at him, understanding, then laughs. LEIA: You're imagining things. HAN: Am I? Then why are you following me? Afraid I was going to leave without giving you a goodbye kiss? LEIA: I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee. HAN: I can arrange that. You could use a good kiss! Angrily, Han strides down the corridor as Leia stares after him. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- ANOTHER ICE CORRIDOR A familiar stream of beeps and whistles herald the approach of Artoo-Detoo and See-Threepio, who appear around a corner and move along an ice wall toward the main hangar. THREEPIO: Don't try to blame me. I didn't ask you to turn on the thermal heater. I merely commented that it was freezing in the princess's chamber. But it's supposed to be freezing. How are we going to dry out all her clothes? I really don't know. Artoo beeps a stream of protesting whistles. THREEPIO: Oh, switch off. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR DECK The two robots stop at Han Solo's space freighter. Han and Chewie are struggling with their central lifters. HAN: (to Chewie) Why do you take this apart now? I'm trying to get us out of here and you pull both of these. Chewie grumbles in irritation. THREEPIO: Excuse me, sir. HAN: (to Chewie) Put them back together right now. THREEPIO: Might I have a word with you, please? HAN: What do you want? THREEPIO: Well, it's Princess Leia, sir. She's been trying to get you on the communicator. HAN: I turned it off. I don't want to talk to her. THREEPIO: Oh. Well, Princess Leia is wondering about Master Luke. He hasn't come back yet. She doesn't know where he is. HAN: I don't know where he is. THREEPIO: Nobody knows where he is. HAN: What do you mean, "nobody knows"? Han glances at the fading light at the entrance of the ice cave as night slowly begins to fall on the planet. THREEPIO: Well, uh, you see... Han jumps down off the lift, as Threepio follows him. HAN: Deck Officer. Deck Officer! THREEPIO: Excuse me, sir. Might I inqu-... Han abruptly puts his hand over Threepio's mouth as the deck officer approaches. DECK OFFICER: Yes, sir? HAN: Do you know where Commander Skywalker is? DECK OFFICER: I haven't seen him. It's possible he came in through the south entrance. HAN: It's possible? Why don't you go find out? It's getting dark out there. DECK OFFICER: Yes, sir. The deck officer leaves hurriedly, as Han takes his hand off Threepio's mouth. THREEPIO: Excuse me, sir. Might I inquire what's going on? HAN: Why not? THREEPIO: Impossible man. Come along, Artoo, lets find Princess Leia. Between ourselves, I think Master Luke is in considerable danger. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- MAIN ICE TUNNEL The deck officer and his assistant hurry toward Han as he enters the tunnel. DECK OFFICER: Sir, Commander Skywalker hasn't come in through the south entrance. He might have forgotten to check in. HAN: Not likely. Are the speeders ready? DECK OFFICER: Not yet. We're having some trouble adapting them to the cold. HAN: Then we'll have to go out on Tauntauns. DECK OFFICER: Sir, the temperature's dropping too rapidly. HAN: That's right. And my friends out in it. ASSISTANT OFFICER: I'll cover sector twelve. Have com-control set screen alpha. Han pushes through the troops and mounts a Tauntaun. DECK OFFICER: Your Tauntaun'll freeze before you reach the first marker. HAN: Then I'll see you in hell! Han maneuvers his mount out of the cave and races into the dark bitter night. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE GORGE -- DUSK The jagged face of a huge ice wall sits gloomily in the dim twilight of a Hoth day. Luke hangs upside down, ankles frozen into icy stalactites, his extended arms within a foot of the snow floor. One side of his face is covered in a dried mask of frozen blood. He opens his eyes as a chilling moan of the hideous ice creature echoes off the gorge walls. Luke pulls himself up, grabs hold of his ankles, and futilely tries to unfasten the throngs. Exhausted, he drops back into his hanging position. As he hangs there, he spies his lightsaber lying near a pile of his discarded gear, about three feet out of reach. He focuses on the saber and, as his hand strains toward the weapon, he squeezes his eyes tight in concentration. Just as the ice creature looms over Luke, the lightsaber jumps into Luke's hand. The young warrior instantly ignites his sword, swinging up, and cuts himself loose from the ice. He flops to the snow in a heap. The startled creature moves back, his giant yellow eyes blinking. Luke scrambles to his feet. He swings his lightsaber and the beast screams in pain. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ENTRANCE TO ICE GORGE -- DUSK Luke staggers out of the gorge into the dark and snowy twilight. Weak and exhausted, he stumbles down a snow bank. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- SNOW PLAIN -- DUSK A small, lone figure riding a Tauntaun races through the hostile vastness of snow and cold. As it runs, the Tauntaun's legs kick up large clouds of snow and ice into the snowy air. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- OUTSIDE ICE HANGAR -- DUSK Artoo stands in the falling snow, beeping worriedly. Threepio moves stiffly over to him. THREEPIO: You must come along now, Artoo. There's really nothing more we can do. And my joints are freezing up. Artoo beeps, long and low. THREEPIO: Don't say thing like that! Of course we'll see Master Luke again. He'll be quite all right, you'll see. (to himself) Stupid little short-circuit. He'll be quite all right. Threepio turns to go back inside the main hangar as Artoo mournfully keeps his vigil. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- SNOW DRIFT -- DUSK The wind is blowing quite strong now. Luke struggles to stay upright, but a blast of freezing snow knocks him over. He struggles to get up, but he can't. The young warrior from Tatooine drags himself a couple of feet and then collapses. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR DECK -- ENTRANCE -- NIGHT Princess Leia stands inside the dark entrance to the Rebel base, waiting for a sign of the two Rebel heroes. She shivers in the cold wind as, nearby, Chewie sits with his head in his hands. In the background, Artoo and Threepio move through the doors. A Rebel lieutenant moves to Major Derlin, an officer keeping watch with the princess. LIEUTENANT: Sir, all the patrols are in. There's still no contact from Skywalker or Solo. THREEPIO: Mistress Leia, Artoo says he's been quite unable to pick up any signals, although he does admit that his own range is far too weak to abandon all hope. Leia nods an acknowledgment, but she is lost in thought. DERLIN: Your Highness, there's nothing more we can do tonight. The shield doors must be closed. He turns to the lieutenant. DERLIN: Close the doors. LIEUTENANT: Yes, sir. The lieutenant walks away. Chewie lets out a long, mournful howl, somewhat like a coyote. At the same moment, Artoo begins a complex series of efficient beeps. THREEPIO: Artoo says the chances of survival are seven hundred one. Leia stands praying to herself as the huge metal doors slam across the entrance of the ice cave. The loud booms echo throughout the huge cavern. Chewie lets out another suffering howl. THREEPIO: Actually, Artoo has been known to make mistakes...from time to time. Oh, dear, oh, dear. Don't worry about Master Luke. I'm sure he'll be all right. He's quite clever, you know...for a human being. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- SNOW DRIFT -- DUSK Luke lies face down in the snow, nearly unconscious. Slowly he looks up and sees Ben Kenobi, barely visible through the blowing snow. It is hard to tell if Kenobi is real or a hallucination. BEN: Luke...Luke. LUKE: (weakly) Ben? BEN: You will go to the Dagobah system. LUKE: Dagobah system? BEN: There you will learn from Yoda, the Jedi Master who instructed me. The image of Ben fades, revealing a lone Tauntaun rider approaching from the windswept horizon. LUKE: (groaning faintly) Ben...Ben. Luke drops into unconsciousness. Han pulls up and leaps off his mount. He hurries to his snow-covered friend, cradling him in his arms. Han's Tauntaun lets out a low, pitiful bellow. But Han's concern is with Luke, and he shakes him urgently. HAN: Luke! Luke! Don't do this, Luke. Come on, give me a sign here. Luke doesn't respond. Han begins frantically rubbing and slapping Luke's unconscious face. As he starts to lift the youth, Han hears a rasping sound behind him. He turns, just in time to see his Tauntaun stagger and then fall over into the snow. Han carries Luke to the moaning beast. Then, with a final groan, the Tauntaun expires. HAN: Not much time. He pushes Luke's inert form against the belly of the dead beast. LUKE: (moaning) Ben...Ben... HAN: Hang on, kid. LUKE: Dagobah system... Han ignites Luke's saber and cuts the beast from head to toe. He quickly tosses it's steaming innards into the snow, then lifts Luke's inert form and stuffs him inside the carcass. HAN: (reeling from the odor) Whew... LUKE: Dagobah... HAN: This may smell bad, kid... LUKE: (moaning) Yoda... HAN: ...but it will keep you warm...til I get the shelter built. (struggling to get Luke in the carcass) Ooh...I thought they smelled bad on the outside! The wind has picked up considerably, making it difficult to move. Han removes a pack from the dead creature's back, taking out a shelter container. He begins to set up what can only be a pitiful protection against a bitter Hoth night. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- SNOWDRIFT -- DAWN Four snub-nosed armored snowspeeders race across the white landscape. INTERIOR: SNOWSPEEDER COCKPIT There is only one pilot, Zev, in the enclosed two-man craft. He concentrates on the scopes which ring his cockpit. He hears a low beep from one of his monitors. ZEV: (into transmitter) Echo Base...I've got something! Not much, but it could be a life form. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- SNOWDRIFT The small craft banks and makes a slow arc, then races off in a new direction. INTERIOR: SNOWSPEEDER -- COCKPIT The pilot switches over to a new transmitter. ZEV: (into transmitter) This is Rouge Two. this is Rouge Two. Captain Solo, so you copy? Commander Skywalker, do you copy? This is Rouge Two. There is a sharp crackle of static, then a faint voice. HAN: (filtered over Zev's receiver) Good morning. Nice of you guys to drop by. ZEV: (switching transmitters) Echo Base...this is Rouge Two. I found them. Repeat, I found them. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- SNOWDRIFT -- DAY The small shelter Han set up is covered with snow on the windward side. A makeshift antenna rests gingerly on top the snowdrift. Han spots Zev's snowspeeder approaching in the distance, and begins waving his arms frantically at the tiny craft. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- MEDICAL CENTER Strange robot surgeons adjust a mass of electronic equipment. A switch is thrown and a sudden blinding flash obscures Luke in a bacta tank filled with a thick, gelatinous slime. He begins to thrash about, raving in delirium. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- MEDICAL CENTER -- RECOVERY ROOM Luke sits up in a recovery-room bed, weak but smiling. His face shows terrible wounds from the Wampa's attack. Threepio and Artoo enter the room. THREEPIO: Master Luke, sir, it's good to see you fully functional again. Artoo beeps his good wishes. THREEPIO: Artoo expresses his relief, also. Han and Chewie make their entrance. The Wookiee growls a greeting. HAN: How are you feeling, kid? You don't look so bad to me. In fact, you look strong enough to pull the ears off a Gundark. LUKE: Thanks to you. HAN: That's two you owe me, junior. Han turns as Leia enters the room. He looks at her with a big, devilish grin. HAN: Well your Worship, looks like you managed to keep me around for a little while longer. LEIA: (haughtily) I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we've activated the energy shield. HAN: That's a good story. I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your sight. LEIA: I don't know where you get you delusions, laser brain. Chewie is amused; he laughs in his manner. Han, enjoying himself, regards Chewie good-humoredly. HAN: Laugh it up, fuzz ball. But you didn't see us alone in the south passage. Luke sparks to this; he looks at Leia. HAN: She expressed her true feelings for me. Leia is flushed, eyes darting between Luke and Han. LEIA: My...! Why, you stuck up,...half-witted,...scruffy-looking... nerf-herder! HAN: Who's scruffy-looking? (to Luke) I must have hit her pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up like that, huh, kid? Leia looks vulnerable for a moment, then the mask falls again, and she focuses on Luke. LEIA: Why, I guess you don't know everything about women yet? With that she leans over and kisses Luke on the lips. Then she turns on her heel and walks out, leaving everyone in the room slightly dumbstruck. With some smugness, Luke puts his hands behind his head and grins. Suddenly, in the distance, the muffled sound of an alarm is heard. ANNOUNCER: (over loudspeaker) Headquarters personnel, report to command center. The voice repeats the order and Han, Chewie, Artoo, and Threepio hurry out of the room, bidding farewell to Luke. HAN: Take it easy. THREEPIO: Excuse us, please. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- COMMAND CENTER Rieekan looks up grimly from a console screen. He calls over to Leia and Han. RIEEKAN: Princess...we have a visitor. The group hurries over to Rieekan. RIEEKAN: We've picked up something outside the base in zone twelve, moving east. SENIOR CONTROLLER: It's metal. LEIA: Then it couldn't be one of those creatures that attacked Luke. HAN: It could be a speeder, one of ours. SENIOR CONTROLLER: No. Wait -- there's something very weak coming through. Threepio steps up to the control panel and listens intently to the strange signal. THREEPIO: Sir, I am fluent in six million forms of communication. This signal is not used by the Alliance. It could be an Imperial code. The transmission ends in static. HAN: It isn't friendly, whatever it is. Come on, Chewie, let's check it out. RIEEKAN: Send Rouges Ten and Eleven to station three-eight. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- SNOW PLAIN -- DAY The dark probe robot moves past the smoldering ruins of station three-eight and down a ridge toward the Rebel base. It raises a large antenna from the top of its head and begins to send out a piercing signal. The probe droid has spotted Chewbacca who, not thirty feet away, has popped his head over a snow bank. Instantly, the probe robot swings around, its deadly ray ready to fire. But before it can get a shot off, it is hit from behind by a laser bolt, and explodes in a million pieces. Han Solo replaces his blaster in its holster and peers intently at the smoldering remains of the Imperial probe. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- COMMAND CENTER Leia and Rieekan listen to Han on the comlink. HAN: (over comlink) Afraid there's not much left. LEIA: (into comlink) What was it? HAN: (over comlink) Droid of some kind. I didn't hit it that hard. It must have had a self-destruct. LEIA: (into comlink) An Imperial probe droid. HAN: (over comlink) It's a good bet the Empire knows we're here. RIEEKAN: We'd better start the evacuation. EXTERIOR: SPACE -- IMPERIAL FLEET Darth Vader's Star Destroyer, larger and more awesome than the five Imperial Star Destroyers that surround it, sits in the vastness of space. The six huge ships are surrounded by a convoy of smaller spacecraft. TIE fighters dart to and fro. INTERIOR: DARTH VADER'S STAR DESTROYER -- BRIDGE -- MAIN CONTROL DECK Controllers working the vast complex of electronic controls hear ominous approaching footsteps and look up from their controls. The squat, evil-looking Admiral Ozzel and the young, powerfully built General Veers, who have been conferring near the front, also feel the approaching presence and turn toward it. Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith, enters like a chill wind. As Vader moves across the wide bridge, Captain Piett hurries up to Ozzel. PIETT: Admiral. OZZEL: Yes, Captain PIETT: I think we've got something, sir. The report is only a fragment from a probe droid in the Hoth system, but it's the best lead we've had. OZZEL: (irritated) We have thousands of probe droids searching the galaxy. I want proof, not leads! PIETT: The visuals indicate life readings. OZZEL: It could mean anything. If we followed every lead... PIETT: But, sir, the Hoth system is supposed to be devoid of human forms. Vader moves to a large screen showing an image of the Rebel snow base. Rebel speeders can be seen approaching the base in the distance. VADER: You found something? PIETT: Yes, my lord. VADER: (studying the image on the console screen) That's it. The Rebels are there. OZZEL: My lord, there are so many uncharted settlements. It could be smugglers, it could be... VADER: That is the system. And I'm sure Skywalker is with them. Set your course for the Hoth system. General Veers, prepare you men. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- TRANSPORT BAY A captain issues instructions to two of his men at the entrance to the main transport bay. Several Rebel transports behind them are being loaded by men carrying heavy boxes and moving quickly, but not in panic. REBEL CAPTAIN: Groups seven and ten will stay behind to fly the speeders. As soon as each transport is loaded, evacuation control will give clearance for immediate launch. REBEL FIGHTER: Right, sir. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR DECK Alarms sound. Troops, ground crews, and droids rush to their alert stations. Armored snowspeeders are lined up in attack formation near the main entrance. In the midst of all this activity, Han does some frantic welding on the lifters of the Millennium Falcon. Han finishes his work and hops down to the hangar floor. He pulls out his comlink, all the while eyeing problematic lifters. HAN: (into comlink, to Chewie) Okay, that's it. Try it...Off! Turn it off! Turn it off! Off! Smoke rises from a minor explosion on the lifter. Exasperated, Han surveys the new damage. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- MEDICAL CENTER Luke dresses in readiness for the evacuation as his attending medical droid stands by. MEDICAL DROID: Sir, it will take quite awhile to evacuate the T-forty- sevens. LUKE: Well, forget the heavy equipment. There's plenty of time to get the smaller modules on the transports. MEDICAL DROID: Take care, sir. LUKE: Thanks. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR DECK Pilots, gunners, and R2 units scurry about. Luke, pulling on his heavy-weather jacket, is headed toward a row of armored speeders. He stops at the rear of the Millennium Falcon, where Han and Chewie are trying to repair the right lifter with even more haste than before. LUKE: Chewie, take care of yourself, okay? As Luke pats Chewie on the arm, Chewie puts his arms around Luke and gives him a tight hug. Han is discussing the lifter with a repair droid when he sees Luke. HAN: Hi, kid. (to droid) There's got to be a reason for it. Check it at the other end. Wait a second. (to Luke) You all right? LUKE: Yeah. HAN: Be careful. LUKE: You, too. Luke smiles, then waves at his friend and walks on. After a few steps, he stops and looks back. Han glances up and the two exchange a silent communication, each wishing the other safety, happiness -- many things, all difficult to verbalize. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- CONTROL ROOM. Alarms sound throughout the hidden Rebel base. In the control room, a controller urgently gestures for General Rieekan to check a computer scan. CONTROLLER: General, there's a fleet of Star Destroyers coming out of hyperspace in sector four. RIEEKAN: Reroute all power to the energy shield. We've got to hold them till all transports are away. Prepare for ground assault. Rieekan exits hurriedly. INTERIOR: VADER'S STAR DESTROYER -- VADER'S CHAMBER -- MEDITATION CUBICLE The dark cubicle is illuminated by a single shaft of light which falls on the brooding Dark Lord as he sits on a raised meditation cube. General Veers enters the room and approaches the silent, unmoving Vader. Although seemingly very sure of himself, Veers is still not bold enough to interrupt the meditating lord. The younger general stands quietly at attention until the evil presence speaks. VADER: What is it, General? VEERS: My lord, the fleet has moves out of light-speed. Com-Scan has detected an energy field protecting an area around the sixth planet of the Hoth system. The field is strong enough to deflect any bombardment. VADER: (angrily) The Rebels are alerted to our presence. Admiral Ozzel came out of light-speed too close to the system. VEERS: He felt surprise was wiser... VADER: He is as clumsy as he is stupid. General, prepare your troops for a surface attack. VEERS: Yes, my lord. Veers turns smartly and leaves as Vader activates a large viewscreen showing the bridge of his mighty ship. Admiral Ozzel appears on the viewscreen, standing slightly in front of Captain Piett. OZZEL: Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of light-speed, and we're preparing to...Aaagh! VADER: You have failed me for the last time, Admiral. Captain Piett. Piett steps forward, as the admiral moves away, slightly confused, touching his throat as it begins to constrict painfully. PIETT: Yes, my lord. VADER: Make ready to land out troops beyond the energy shield and deploy the fleet so that nothing gets off that system. You are in command now, Admiral Piett. PIETT: Thank you, Lord Vader. Piett's pleasure about his unexpected promotion is not an unmixed emotion. He glances warily at the struggling Admiral Ozzel who, with a final choke, stumbles and falls in a lifeless heap before him. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR DECK With a sense of urgency, Leia quickly briefs a group of pilots gathered in the center of the hangar. LEIA: All troop carriers will assemble at the north entrance. The heavy transport ships will leave as soon as they're loaded. Only two fighter escorts per ship. The energy shield can only be opened for a short time, so you'll have to stay very close to your transports. HOBBIE: Two fighters against a Star Destroyer? LEIA: The ion cannon will fire several shots to make sure that any enemy ships will be out of your flight path. When you've gotten past the energy shield, proceed directly to the rendezvous point. Understood? PILOTS: (in unison) Right. Okay. LEIA: Good luck. DERLIN: Okay. Everyone to your stations. Let's go! The pilots hurry away. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- SNOW TRENCH -- DAY Rebel troops carry heavy bazooka-type weapons and position them along the snow trench. Men hurriedly respond to their officers' yelled orders and brace themselves against the rhythmic gusts of bitter-cold wind. Other troops load power packs into a gun turret and swing its guns into position. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- POWER GENERATORS Near the base power generators, troops rush to set up their heavy battle equipment. Buzzing loudly, the generators send along, sparking fingers of energy into the bitter Hoth wind. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- COMMAND CENTER The long line of Rebel controllers is tense, as are Princess Leia and General Rieekan, who are trying very hard not to show any fear. RIEEKAN: Their primary target will be the power generators. Prepare to open the shield. EXTERIOR: ICE PLAIN The Rebel transport and two escort fighters begin their departure from the ice planet. EXTERIOR: SPACE -- IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER A huge Imperial Star Destroyer rest against a sea of stars, far above the white surface of the planet Hoth. INTERIOR: IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER -- BRIDGE An Imperial controller approaches his commander. CONTROLLER: Sir, Rebel ships are coming into our sector. CAPTAIN: Good. Our first catch of the day. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- COMMAND CENTER WOMAN CONTROLLER: Stand by, ion control....Fire! EXTERIOR: REBEL BASE ICE CAVE -- ION CANNON The giant ball-shaped ion cannon rotates into position and blasts two red energy beams skyward. EXTERIOR: SPACE -- HOTH -- REBEL TRANSPORT The Rebel transport and its escort race away from the white planet, closely followed by the two red energy beams. As the Rebel transport races toward the waiting Imperial Star Destroyer, it is overtaken by the two scarlet energy bolts. The Imperial Star Destroyer is hit in the conning tower by the powerful bolts, which set up fiery explosions on its metal hull. The big Star Destroyer veers, then spins wildly out of control. As the Imperial ship careers into deep space, the Rebel transport races away to safety. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR DECK Pilots, gunners, and troopers hurry to their stations and their vehicles. ANNOUNCER: (over loudspeaker) The first transport is away. Everyone cheers at the announcement, which echoes through the hangar. Luke turns and walks on, heading toward his snowspeeder. His gunner, Dack, a fresh-faced, eager kid, is glad to see him. They climb in. DACK: Feeling all right, sir? LUKE: Just like new, Dack. How about you? DACK: Right now I feel I could take on the whole Empire myself. LUKE: (quietly, strapping in) I know what you mean. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN A thin horizon line cuts across the bleak landscape. Small dot-size objects begin to appear on the horizon, moving in the direction of the Rebel base. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- SNOW TRENCH A Rebel officer lifts a pair of electrobinoculars to his eyes. Through the lens he sees a very close view of a giant Imperial snow walker. He adjusts the view which then zooms back to reveal three more of the ominous battle machines. Small flashes of yellow fire billow from the guns of the lumbering snow walkers. The officer lowers his binoculars as the regular rhythmic pounding begins to make the ground vibrate. The pounding grows louder and is accompanied by a high-pitched, metallic rattling. The officer speaks into his comlink. TRENCH OFFICER: Echo Station Three-T-Eight. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- CORRIDOR Pilots and gunners race to their waiting snowspeeders. Ice and snow begin falling from the walls of the corridor, shaken by the pounding Imperial snow walker as they draw ever nearer. TRENCH OFFICER: (over comlink) We have spotted Imperial walkers! CONTROLLER: Imperial walkers on the north ridge. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- SNOW TRENCH The Rebel troops aim their weapons at the horizon as explosions erupt all around them. They are nervous and their grip on their weapons tightens from the cold and from fear. Behind the troops a dozen snowspeeders race through the sky. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT LUKE: (into comlink) Echo station Five-Seven. We're on our way. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- BATTLEFIELD The fleet of snowspeeders races above the ice field at full throttle. They accelerate away from the base and head toward the distant walkers. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT LUKE: (into comlink) All right, boys, keep tight now. DACK: Luke, I have no approach vector. I'm not set. LUKE: Steady, Dack. Attack pattern delta. Go now! EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- BATTLEFIELD The cannons mounted on the walker head fire at the speeders. Other walkers loom in the background. Two speeders race away past two of the enormous walkers and bank to the right. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT LUKE: All right, I'm coming in. He turns his speeder and heads directly at one of the walkers, flying toward its towering legs. The horizon twists as the speeder banks between the legs. LUKE: (into comlink) Hobbie, you still with me? EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- BATTLEFIELD Two speeders race directly at the head of a walker, then split and fly past it. Three other walkers march onward, firing all cannons. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- SNOWTRENCH Rebel troops fire on the approaching walkers, as the snow and ice explode all around them. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- BATTLEFIELD A speeder banks through and away from the legs of a walker. Two other speeders pass the first speeder from the opposite direction. Other Rebel craft race just above the icy plain. A giant walker head swivels and fires, striking a snowspeeder and sending it crashing in a ball of flames. INTERIOR: IMPERIAL SNOW WALKER -- COCKPIT General Veers and two walker pilots keep a careful eye on the racing Rebel snowspeeders as they maneuver their lumbering war machine forward. Luke's speeder banks in from the side of Veers's walker and heads straight for its viewport, blasting away. An explosion hits the walker window, but dissipates, doing no harm. The speeder roars up and over the impregnable war machine. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT Luke looks back at the walker as it grows smaller in the distance. LUKE: That armor's too strong for blasters. On the horizon, another walker moves up past Luke's cockpit window, twisting out of sight as Luke banks and starts another run. LUKE: (into comlink) Rouge Group, use your harpoons and tow cables. Go for the legs. It might be our only chance of stopping them. (to Dack) All right, stand by, Dack. Dack is at the gunner's controls. DACK: Luke, we've got a malfunction in fire control. I'll have to cut in the auxiliary. LUKE: Just hang on. Hang on, Dack. Get ready to fire that tow cable. Barely keeping his seat in the tumbling ship, Dack struggles to set up his harpoon gun. Luke swings his speeder around and heads toward an oncoming walker. Laser bolts and flak fill the air, creating a deadly obstacle course for the tiny craft. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- BATTLEFIELD Rouge Leader and another snowspeeder fly in tight formation toward the walker as explosions burst all around them. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT After sustaining a heavy volley of fire, Luke turns around to see if Dack is all right. LUKE: Dack? Dack! Dack is lost. Blood streams down his forehead, which rests on his smoldering controls. Out the back window, an Imperial walker recedes in the distance. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- SNOW TRENCH AREA Rebel troops fire the dishlike ray gun while explosions erupt around them. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- BATTLEFIELD Two walkers lumber toward the Rebel base as a speeder between them explodes in a ball of flames. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- SNOW TRENCH The dislike ray gun is hit by a laser bolt and instantly explodes. INTERIOR: IMPERIAL SNOW WALKER -- COCKPIT Through the cockpit window, Veers and his pilot can see the Rebel power generators in the distance. A hologram of Darth Vader appears on a control panel screen. VEERS: Yes, Lord Vader. I've reached the main power generator. The shield will be down in moments. You may start your landing. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT LUKE: (into comlink) Rouge Three. INTERIOR: WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE THREE -- COCKPIT WEDGE: (into comlink) Copy, Rouge Leader LUKE: (over comlink) Wedge, I've lost my gunner. You'll have to make this shot. I'll cover for you. Set your harpoon. Follow me on the next pass. WEDGE: (into comlink) Coming around, Rouge Leader. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT LUKE: (into comlink) Steady, Rouge Two EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD Wedge's speeder races through the legs of one of the monstrous walkers. INTERIOR: WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE THREE -- COCKPIT WEDGE: (to gunner) Activate harpoon. Wedge's gunner reaches for a firing switch to activate the harpoon. The harpoon flashes out, and speeds toward the receding legs of the walker. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD The harpoon hurtles toward the walker, In an instant it is embedded in one of the walker's legs. INTERIOR: WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE THREE -- COCKPIT WEDGE: (to gunner) Good shot, Janson. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD The speeder Rouge Three races around one of the giant walker's feet, trailing the cable behind it. Continuing around the back foot, Rouge Three then circles the walker around the tail end. INTERIOR: WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE THREE -- COCKPIT Wedge checks his controls and banks around the front of the walker. WEDGE: One more pass. JANSON: Coming around. Once more. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD The speeder sweeps left to right in front of the giant legs, towing the cable behind it. INTERIOR: WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE THREE -- COCKPIT JANSON: One more. Wedge swings the speeder between the legs of the giant walker. JANSON: Cable out! Let her go! WEDGE: Detach cable. EXTERIOR: WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE THREE The cable release on the back of the speeder snaps loose and the cable drops away. INTERIOR: WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE THREE -- COCKPIT JANSON: Cable detached. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD The speeder zooms away into the distance. The tangled legs of the enormous war machine attempt a step, but as they do the giant Imperial walker begins to topple. It teeters for a moment, and then crashes onto the icy ground, sending snow and metal pieces flying. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE PLAIN -- SNOW TRENCH The troops in the trenches cheer at the sight of the crashing walker. An officer gives a signal to his men and Rebel troops charge the fallen war machine. TRENCH OFFICER: Come on! The troops run toward the downed walker, followed by two Rebel speeders flying overhead. Just as they reach the walker, it explodes, the impact throwing some of the men onto the frozen ground. INTERIOR: WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE THREE -- COCKPIT Wedge lets out a triumphant yell, banking his speeder away from the fallen walker. WEDGE: (into comlink) Whooha!! That got him! INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT LUKE: (into comlink) I see it, Wedge. Good work. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- COMMAND CENTER Large chunks of ice tumble into the command center as Leia and General Rieekan monitor computer screens. RIEEKAN: I don't think we can protect two transports at a time. LEIA: It's risky, but we can't hold out much longer. We have no choice. RIEEKAN: (into comlink) Launch patrols. LEIA: (to an aide) Evacuate remaining ground staff. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR Muffled distant explosions create widening cracks in the ice roof of the hangar. Trying to ignore the noise and falling bits of snow, Han works on one of the Falcon's lifters while Chewie works on one of the wings. Noticing Chewie attach a wrong part, Han grows impatient. HAN: No, no! No! This one goes there, that one goes there. right? In another area of the hangar, Threepio watches as Artoo is raised up into Luke's X-wing fighter. THREEPIO: Artoo, you take good care of Master Luke now, understand? take care of yourself. Oh, dear, oh, dear. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD The fierce battle on the vast snow plains of Hoth rages on. The Imperial walkers continue their slow, steady assault on the Rebel base, firing lasers as they lumber ever onward. In the snow trench, Rebel troops fire large bazookalike guns and dishlike ray guns as explosions erupt around them. A gun tower is hit by a laser bolt and instantly explodes. Another blast destroys a ray gun. INTERIOR: IMPERIAL SNOW WALKER -- COCKPIT General Veers studies various readouts on his control panel. VEERS: All troops will debark for ground assault. Prepare to target the main generator. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD Luke's speeder and Rouge Two fly in formation, banking from right to left and flying above the erupting battlefield. Flak bursts all around them. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT Luke, glancing over, sees Rouge Two on his left. His ship shudders as flak bursts nearby. LUKE: (into comlink) Rouge Two, are you all right? INTERIOR: ZEV'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE TWO -- COCKPIT ZEV: (into comlink) Yeah. I'm with you, Rouge Leader. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT LUKE: (into comlink) We'll set harpoon. I'll cover for you. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD The two speeders race across the horizon toward the giant walkers. INTERIOR: ZEV'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE TWO -- COCKPIT ZEV: (into comlink) Coming around. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT LUKE: (into comlink) Watch that cross fire, boys. INTERIOR: ZEV'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE TWO -- COCKPIT ZEV: (into comlink) Set for position three. (to gunner) Steady. LUKE: (over comlink) Stay tight and low. EXTERIOR: ZEV'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE TWO Luke's speeder moves in formation with Rouge Two, when suddenly Zev's speeder is hit by a laser bolt. His ship bucks violently under the impact and the cockpit explodes in a ball of flame. Spewing smoke, the speeder hurtles toward a looming walker. Before they collide. Rouge Two explodes in a million flaming pieces. INTERIOR: LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER, ROUGE LEADER -- COCKPIT Desperately, Luke works the controls of his flak-buffeted ship. Suddenly, the speeder is rocked by a huge explosion. Luke struggles with the controls with a look of terror on his face. The speeder fills with smoke, and electrical sparks jump about the cockpit. LUKE: (into comlink) Hobbie, I've been hit! INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- COMMAND CENTER Apart from the distant thunder of laser blasts, the corridor is strangely quiet and empty. Running footsteps echo through the freezing hallway, then Han appears. Cracks have appeared in some of the walls and some pipes have broken, sending hot steam billowing into the underground hallways. Han hurries into the command center. It is a shambles, but some people are still at their posts. As he enters, a gigantic cave-in almost obliterates the room. He finds Leia and Threepio near one of the control boards. HAN: You all right? Leia nods. She is surprised to see him. LEIA: Why are you still here? HAN: I heard the command center had been hit. LEIA: You got your clearance to leave. HAN: Don't worry. I'll leave. First I'm going to get you to your ship. THREEPIO: Your Highness, we must take this last transport. It's our only hope. LEIA: (to controller) Send all troops in sector twelve to the south slope to protect the fighters. A blast rocks the command center, throwing Threepio backward into Han's arms. ANNOUNCER: (over loudspeaker) Imperial troops have entered the base. HAN: Come on...that's it. LEIA: (to head controller) Give the evacuation code signal. And get to your transports! Leia looks exhausted. Han grabs her and starts to lead her out. As Han, Leia, and Threepio run out of the command center, the code signal can be heard echoing off the corridor walls. HEAD CONTROLLER: K-one-zero...all troops disengage. THREEPIO: (to Han and Leia) Oh! Wait for me! EXTERIOR: BATTLEFIELD -- SNOW TRENCH Rebel troops retreat under the awesome Imperial onslaught. OFFICER: Begin retreat! SECOND OFFICER: Fall back! Troops flee from the battle, the ground exploding around them. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD Three of the giant walkers, firing lasers, advance toward the Rebel headquarters. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- SNOW TRENCH Continuing their retreat, the Rebels see the walkers looming ever nearer. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD -- ICE PLAIN On the battlefield, Luke watches as a walker foot rises and moves over him. He looks up at the underbelly of the huge walker, passing overhead. Running beneath the monstrous machine, Luke fires his harpoon gun at the walker's underside. A thin cable follows the projectile from the gun. The magnetic head and cable attach firmly to the metal hull. Still running under the walker, Luke attaches the cable drum to his belt buckle. Soon he is pulled up the cable and hangs dangling underneath the walker. The walker's giant feet continue to pound onward across the frozen snow. Stray laser bolts whistle by Luke as he climbs up the cable to the walker's hull, reaching a small hatch. Hanging precariously, Luke cuts the solid metal hatch with his laser sword. He takes a landmine from around his neck and throws it inside the Imperial machine. Quickly, Luke starts down the cable and crashes onto the icy ground far below. He lies unconscious as a giant rear leg passes by -- and just misses him. The giant walker stops in mid-step. A muffled explosion comes from within -- and then the walker's mechanical insides are spewed out every conceivable opening. The machine sits dead in its tracks, smoking like a locomotive on stilts. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD Veers's walker continues to advance toward the Rebel base. The smoldering walker that Luke exploded stands smoking just to the right of Veers's path. INTERIOR: IMPERIAL SNOW WALKER - COCKPIT Inside his walker, General Veers prepares to fire on the Rebel power generators. VEERS: Distance to power generators? PILOT: One-seven, decimal two-eight. Veers reaches for the electrorangefinder and lines up the main generator. VEERS: Target. Maximum fire power. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- BATTLEFIELD The Rebel troops continue their desperate retreat, pushed back by the relentless Imperial assault. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- ICE CORRIDORS With Threepio lagging behind, Han and Leia race through the crumbling ice corridors. Suddenly, there is an explosion. Han turns, grabs the princess, and pulls her to the wall as a tremendous cave-in blacks their path. He takes the comlink from his pocket. HAN: (into comlink) Transport, this is Solo. Better take off -- I can't get to you. I'll get the princess out on the Falcon. Han and Leia turn and race down the corridor. THREEPIO: But...but...but...where are you going? Uh...come back!! INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- COMMAND CENTER Imperial troops have reached the base. As they push through the blocked passageway, Darth Vader strides behind them. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- ICE CORRIDOR Han and Leia run toward the entrance of the main hangar where the Millennium Falcon is docked. Threepio still lags behind. THREEPIO: Wait! Wait for me! Wait! Stop! The door to the hangar closes in his face. THREEPIO: (exasperated) How typical. Quickly, the door reopens as Han reaches out and pulls the golden droid through. HAN: Come on. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR Chewie paces under the shelter of the Millennium Falcon's landing gear. The giant Wookiee pats the underbelly of his beloved ship and barks a few reassuring words. As he searches worriedly for his captain, something at last catches his eye. Chewie lets out a relieved shriek at seeing Han and Leia running toward the ship. The Wookiee runs out into the falling ice, lets out a howl, then runs up the ship's ramp. Han and Leia run up the ramp after him, closely followed by Threepio. HAN: Hurry up, goldenrod, or you're going to be a permanent resident! THREEPIO: Wait! Wait! INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- ICE CORRIDOR Imperial troops run through the base corridors. Vader surveys the place. A huge chunk falls, almost hitting him, but he calmly, purposefully, continues around it. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGER -- MILLENNIUM FALCON A distant, huge, explosion rocks the hangar deck. Ice cakes come crashing down on the Millennium Falcon. INTERIOR: MAIN HANGAR -- MILLENNIUM FALCON -- MAIN HOLD Han, standing before a control panel, is busy flipping switches as Chewie watches a troublesome gauge. A worried Leia observes their efforts. HAN: (to Chewie) How's this? The Wookiee barks a negative reply. LEIA: Would it helped if I got out and pushed? HAN: It might. Threepio clanks into the hold. THREEPIO: Captain Solo, Captain Solo...sir, might I suggest that you... Han gives the gold robot a devastating look. THREEPIO: It can wait. INTERIOR: MAIN HANGAR -- MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT They move to the cockpit where Han flips some more switches. Leia watches him, impatient, disbelieving. LEIA: The bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade. HAN: This baby's got a few surprises left in her, sweetheart. Han and Leia look out the cockpit window and see a squad of stormtroopers rushing into the far side of the hangar. Quickly, Han straps himself into the pilot's seat and Leia into the navigator's chair. INTERIOR: HOTH -- REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR Stormtroopers hurriedly set up a large bazookalike weapon. Behind them the giant hangar doors open slowly. EXTERIOR: MAIN HANGAR -- MILLENNIUM FALCON A laser gun appears on the Falcon and swings around to aim at the Imperial troops. The stormtroopers, preparing to fire their bazooka cannon, are hit by the Falcon's fire and are thrown about in all directions. INTERIOR: MAIN HANGAR -- MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT Chewie rushes into the cockpit. HAN: Come on! Come on! Switch over. Let's hope we don't have a burnout. A laser hits the window near Chewie as he is settling into his chair. Letting out a loud whelp, Chewie quickly pulls back on the controls and the first stage of engine fire can be heard. Han flashes a big grin at Leia. HAN: See? LEIA: Someday you're going to be wrong, and I hope I'm there to see it. Han looks at Chewie. HAN: Punch it! The roar of the Falcon's main engines blasts out everything as the ice-cave wall rushes by outside the cockpit window. INTERIOR: REBEL BASE -- MAIN HANGAR More stormtroopers run into the hangar, closely followed by Vader. Hearing the loud roar of the Millennium Falcon's engines, Vader looks toward the main hangar doors just in time to see the Falcon lift up and disappear outside the cave. EXTERIOR: HOTH -- ICE SLOPE -- DAY Luke and two other pilots look up as the Millennium Falcon races above them, flying very close to the ground. The three pilots turn then, and trudge onward toward their X-wing fighters, each going to his own ship. Luke waves farewell, then heads toward his own fighter. Artoo, seated on his cubbyhole, chirps an excited greeting as Luke climbs aboard the spacecraft. LUKE: Artoo! Get her ready for takeoff. From his ship, Luke sees Wedge in his own X-wing, preparing for takeoff. WEDGE: Good luck, Luke. See you at the rendezvous. Luke smiles and nods at Wedge, then lowers himself into the cockpit of his X-wing while Artoo waits in the cubbyhole, beeping impatiently. LUKE: Don't worry, Artoo. We're going, we're going. The canopy over the X-wing lowers and snaps shut. EXTERIOR: SPACE -- LUKE'S X-WING Luke's fighter, its wings closed, speeds away from the icy planet. Soon it disappears into the stars. INTERIOR: LUKE'S X-WING -- COCKPIT Luke, looking thoughtful, suddenly makes a decision. He flips several switches. The stars shift as he takes his fighter into a steep turn. The X-wing banks sharply and flies away in a new direction. The monitor screen on Luke's control panel prints out a question from the concerned Artoo. LUKE: (into comlink) There's nothing wrong, Artoo. I'm just setting a new course. Artoo beeps once again. LUKE: (into comlink) We're not going to regroup with the others. Artoo begins a protest, whistling an unbelieving, "What?!" Luke reads Artoo's exclamation on his control panel. LUKE: (into comlink) We're going to the Dagobah system. Luke checks his readouts and makes a few adjustments. He rides along with only the soft hum of the instruments to break the silence. Finally, Artoo chirps up. LUKE: (into comlink) Yes, Artoo? Artoo utters a soft, carefully phrased steam of whistles. LUKE: (into comlink, chuckling) That's all right. I'd like to keep it on manual control for a while. The little droid lets out a defeated whimper. Luke smiles, and continues on his course. EXTERIOR: SPACE -- MILLENNIUM FALCON The Millennium Falcon speeds away from Hoth, closely followed by one huge Star Destroyer and four tiny TIE fighters. As it is pursued, the Falcon races toward two very bright star-sized objects. INTERIOR: MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT Inside the cockpit, Chewie lets out a loud howl. Han checks as the ship is buffeted by exploding flak. He appears to be doing six things at once. HAN: (harried) I saw them! I saw them! LEIA: Saw what? HAN: Star Destroyers, two of them, coming right at us. Threepio bumps and bangs his way into the cockpit. THREEPIO: Sir, sir! Might I suggest... HAN: (to Leia) Shut him up or shut him down! (to Chewie) Check the deflector shield! Chewie barks a reply as he readjusts an overhead switch. HAN: Oh, great. Well, we can still outmaneuver them. EXTERIOR: SPACE -- MILLENNIUM FALCON -- STAR DESTROYERS The Millennium Falcon races toward one of the huge oncoming Star Destroyers. Suddenly, the Falcon starts into a deep dive straight down, closely followed by four TIE fighters. The underside of the Star Destroyer continues on a collision course with two oncoming Star Destroyers. Slowly, it starts to veer to the left. INTERIOR: STAR DESTROYER -- BRIDGE Out the front window, the two approaching Star Destroyers can be seen veering to the left. IMPERIAL OFFICER: Take evasive action! Alarms sound all over the huge ship. The two other Star Destroyers get closer, one of them moving over the bridge so close that it makes brushing contact with it. EXTERIOR: SPACE -- MILLENNIUM FALCON -- TIE FIGHTERS The Millennium Falcon races away from the colliding Star Destroyers, still followed by four TIE fighters. Laser bolts spark the pitch-black skies. INTERIOR: MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT Things have calmed down a bit, but the race isn't over yet. Chewie barks at Han. Leia is still trying to recover from the steep dive. The ship is buffeted by laser blasts. HAN: Prepare to make the jump to light-speed. THREEPIO: But, sir! The buffeting of lasers becomes louder and stronger. LEIA: They're getting closer! HAN: (with a gleam in his eye) Oh yeah? Watch this. Expectantly, they look out the cockpit window as stars do not go into hyperspace, but just sit there. Han and Chewie look at each other and are thrown into an acute state of concern. LEIA: Watch what? Han tries again. Still nothing. HAN: I think we're in trouble. THREEPIO: If I may say so, sir, I noticed earlier the hyperdrive motivator has been damaged. It's impossible to go to light-speed! HAN: We're in trouble! The explosions become heavier. EXTERIOR: SPACE -- MILLENNIUM FALCON -- TIE FIGHTERS -- STAR DESTROYER The Falcon races into the starry vastness, followed by the four Imperial TIE fighters and an Imperial Star Destroyer. INTERIOR: MILLENNIUM FALCON -- COCKPIT Stars race by as flak bursts outside the Falcon's window. INTERIOR: MILLENNIUM FALCON -- HOLD Han works furiously at some control panels while giving various orders to Chewie. HAN: Horizontal boosters...! (Chewie barks) HAN: Alluvial dampers...! Well that's not it. (Chewie barks) HAN: Bring me the hydrospanners! Chewie hurries over to the pit and places the tools on the edge. HAN: I don't know how we're going to get out of this one. Suddenly, a loud thump hits the side of the Falcon, causing it to lurch radically. Chewie barks. The tools fall </p> <div style="padding: 5 0 5 0;" class="pageshare"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Oszd meg a Facebook-on"><img src="/image/icons/facebook.png" width="20" height="20" /></a> <a href="!&source=tweetbutton&text=&" target="_blank" title="Oszd meg Twitter-en"><img src="/image/icons/twitter.png" width="20" height="20" /></a> <iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:100px; height:20px;"></iframe> </div></td><td class="center_side_right"></td></tr><tr> <td class="separator" background="./style/scifi_ftl.gif">&nbsp;</td> <td class="separator" background="./style/scifi_ftm.gif">&nbsp;</td> <td class="separator" background="./style/scifi_ftr.gif">&nbsp;</td> </tr></table></td></tr></table> </td> <td class="sitecol"><table class="column_side"><tr><td class="column_side_td"><table class="module" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" module_id="20823709" ><!-- skin begin --><!-- border 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