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A New hope
A New hope : Első "durva" változat

Első "durva" változat

  2007.06.24. 11:28

1974 Április

THE STAR WARS BY GEORGE LUCAS ROUGH DRAFT LUCASFILM LTD. 5/74 1. FADE IN: SPACE A sea of stars is broken by the vast blue surface of the planet, Utapau. Five small moons slowly drift into view from the far side of the planet. The main titles are followed by a rollup: Until the recent GREAT REBELLION, the JEDI BENDU were the most feared warriors in the universe. For one hundred thousand years, generations of JEDI perfected their art as the personal bodyguards of the emperor. They were the chief architects of the invin- cible IMPERIAL SPACE FORCE which expanded the EMPIRE across the galaxy, from the celestial equator to the farthest reaches of the GREAT RIFT. Now these legendary warriors are all but extinct. One by one they have been hunted down and destroyed as enemies of the NEW EMPIRE by a ferocious and sinister rival warrior sect, THE KNIGHTS OF SITH. A small silver spacecraft emerges from behind one of the Utapau moons. The deadly little fightercraft speeds past several of the moons, until it finally goes into orbit around the FOURTH MOON. 2. WASTELAND - FOURTH MOON - UTAPAU A harsh gale blows across the bleak grey surface of the Fourth Moon. The leaden sky presses down on a lone figure, ANNIKIN STARKILLER, a tall, heavy-set boy of eighteen. He slowly makes his way across the canyon floor. The heavy winds whip at him and make the going extremely difficult. His face is covered by a breath mask and goggles. He stops for a second to adjust the shoulder strap on his chrome multiplelaser rifle. Something in the sky catches his eye, and he instictively grabs a pair of electrobinoculars from his belt. He stands transfixed for a few moments, studying the heavens, then turns and rushes back in the direction from which he came. 3. SUPPLY HUT - FOURTH MOON - UTAPAU A spacecraft, half buried in the dust, rests next to the remains of an abandoned supply shack. Annikin makes his way across the colorless landscape and rushes into the crumbling building. The interior of the hut is shabby, but manages to abate the howling winds. Seated in front of a thermoheater are Annikin's father, KANE, and his young brother, DEAK. Kane is a large, burly man, wearing the distinctive robes of a JEDI. Deak is ten years old, with dusty blond hair and a large scratch on his cheek. Annikin slams the door and removes his gear. His ruggedly handsome face is caked with many layers of dust. ANNIKIN Dad! Dad!... They've found us! Deak looks up from a small cube he has been studying. His father whacks him across the shoulder with a braided wire connector. KANE Continue with the problem. Your concentration is worse than your brother's. (to Annikin) How many? ANNIKIN Only one this time. A Banta Four. KANE Good. We may not have to repair this old bucket after all. Prepare yourself. DEAK Me too! KANE Do you have the answer? DEAK I think it's the Corbet dictum: "What is, is without." Kane smiles. This is the correct answer. Annikin is strapping on a utility belt with chrome lazerpistols and lazersword. Kane rises and starts for his equipment. DEAK (Con't) Ahhh, Pop... KANE Deak, do you feel you're ready? DEAK Yes, sir. I've outmarked Annikin in twelve disci- plines. I'm as good... KANE All right, son, get your gear. Deak jumps up with the enthusiasm available only to a ten- year old and grabs his gear. His father frowns and shakes his head. 4. WASTELAND BLUFF - FOURTH MOON - UTAPAU Kane Starkiller and his two sons carefully make their way up a rock bluff overlooking the parked silver SITH spacecraft. Kane inspects the craft with his electrobinoculars. KANE No tracks. Bi-lock hasn't been opened....Interior systems are still on.... ANNIKIN Are we going to wait for him to come out? KANE He's not in there.... He's baiting us. I'm surprised they only sent one this time. We must be wearing them down, or they must think this knight is something special.... Stay on guard, and keep hidden. I'm going to work my way across the ridge and call his bluff. Better we meet in open combat than wait for him to ambush us.... Keep your guard! Kane leaves his two sons and moves off along the obscured ridge. Annikin and Deak watch him intently. Annikin throws down his multiplelazer rifle in disgust. ANNIKIN He should have let me go with him.... He's getting too old to make an open challenge. DEAK He's not too old to realize you'd just get in the way. Annikin ignores his little brother's remark and sneaks a look over the ridge at the SITH spacecraft. Kane moves out of the rocks some distance away and starts toward the starship. Deak moves to the ridge next to his brother, his chrome lazerrifle sparkling in the reflected light of Utapau. DEAK He's making his move.... ANNIKIN Watch your guard... and cover that weapon. It shines like a beacon. Deak reluctantly move away and watches the other direction. Kane has almost reached the SITH spacecraft and still there is no sign of its occupant. DEAK What's happening? ANNIKIN Nothing. I don't like it. Kane carefully moves to the main hatch of the starship. He kicks a valve and the hatch drops open with a loud clank and rushing gas. Annikin becomes more tense as his father care- fully moves inside the spacecraft. Everything is still. Even the continual winds seem to have died down. Moments pass with no sign of activity inside the enemy starship. Annikin watches the craft with his electrobinoculars. The waiting becomes unbearable. ANNIKIN Something's happened! He's been in there too long. DEAK Let me look! Stand my guard. Deak takes the electrobinoculars from his brother and studies the silent spacecraft. Annikin impatiently scans the opposite horizon. DEAK I think the power just went off. We'd better wait here until someone comes out. ANNIKIN What if he needs help? DEAK The power went back on again.... With the aid of the electrobinoculars, Deak watches the running lights of the starship flash on and off. Suddenly, something huge moves in front of his field of view. Before either of the two young boys can react, a large, sinister SITH warrior in black robes and a face mask looms over them. He carries a long lazer- sword which cuts young Deak down before he or his brother are able to raise their weapons. The startled Annikin backs away in horror, then settles down and ignites his lazersword, which creates an eerie red glow. He stumbles over rocks as he attempts to avoid the charging SITH knight. The evil warrior swings his mighty lazersword, but Annikin manages to deflect the intended death- blow. Finally, Annikin is able to assume a defensive stance, and the two warriors stand, sizing up each other. The black knight is at least seven feet tall, and dwarfs the young JEDI. They stand for a few moments, almost frozen, then in a flurry of blows, lazerswords clash with the sound of electric snapping and popping. Annikin is barely able to hold his own against the experienced knight. Many blows are exchanged before the SITH warrior is able to back Annikin up against a deep crevasse. Annikin stumbles and almost falls over the cliff to his death. The black knight suddenly senses something behind him and whirls around to face Annikin's father, Kane Starkiller, a Jedi Bendu master. The Sith warrior raises his lazersword, but is cut in two before he can bring it down again. Kane moves to the fallen black knight, and studies him carefully. Annikin, still a little wobbly from the whole experience, attempts to stand. Kane sees his dead son Deak, and goes to him. He lifts him into his arms and begins to weep. Annikin stands bewildered, watching his father cradle his dead brother. 5. INTERIOR SITH STARSHIP - WASTELAND CANYON - UTAPAU Kane Starkiller slides into one of the four seats of the small Sith starship. Through the front viewing canopy, he watches Annikin drag his younger brother's body to a small crevasse. Annikin places a small locket around his brother's neck, makes a complicated sign with his hand, and dumps the body into the shallow depression. The giant engines of the spacecraft begin to whine, kicking up large clouds of dust. Annikin climbs into the seat beside his father and removes his breath mask and goggles. There are tears in his eyes. Father and son look out across the wasteland towards Deak's grave. The thunderous clap of an explosion is followed by a small mushroom cloud rising out of the depression. Annikin throws a container down in a fit of rage. ANNIKIN How many more of them are there? I want to finish it, once and for all! I'm sick of running... When will it stop? Annikin's father waits silently until his son's tirade is finished. Annikin sits silently for a few moments. ANNIKIN (Con't) I'm sorry. KANE Son, plot a course for AQUILAE. Annikin lights up like a Bantha at feeding time. ANNIKIN Aquilae!! You mean we're going home? KANE We both need a rest. Kane pulls back on the throttle, and the powerful spaceship lifts off the surface of the Fourth Moon of Utapau. 6. CLOUD SEA - ALDERAAN A title card appears over a sea of billowing clouds on the gaseous planet of Alderaan: Alderaan: Capital of the New Galatic Empire. The towering white oxide clouds pass, revealing the Imperial city of Alderaan. The magnificent domed and gleaming city is perched, mushroom-like,on a tall spire, which disappears deep into the misty surface of the planet. The peacefulness of this nebulous idyll is broken by the increasing wail of ion engines. Four sleek stardestroyers, from the Imperial Third Fleet, burst from one of the huge cumulus range. The craft are flying in a tight formation as they bank steeply, and head toward the Imperial capital of the galaxy. 7. INTERIOR OF STARDESTROYER - ALDERAAN Stardestroyers are two-man space craft crammed with sophis- ticated electronic weaponry. The pilot and gunnery officers sit side-by-side, surrounded by lighted readouts and switches. They wear the gleaming black uniforms of the Empire. PILOT Tok-One to chicks: Shape it up. Let's make it good. CHICK-ONE Does that glare bother you? PILOT Use your face shield, Chick-One. The pilot is cold and professional as he maneuvers his craft closer to the others. The positions of the ships are displayed on a readout, along with a graphic representation of the city. The pilot gives the gunner a quick look before he flips his sun- shield over his eyes. PILOT Here we go. Count: three, two, one, now! 8. REVIEW STAND - PLAZA OF THE DADERS - ALDERAAN On a huge, austere platform stands the dark COS DASHIT, Lord of Alderaan, Consul to the Supreme Tribunal, and ruler of the Galactic Empire. He is a thin, grey looking man, with an evil mustache which hangs limply over his insipid lip. Standing at rigid attention on his right are several generals, dressed in the black and grey uniform of the realm. Five members of the Supreme Tribunal sit off to the side. On the emperor's left stands CRISPIN HOEDAACK, newly appointed Governor of the Aquilaean Systems, a young, treacherous man with stone-cut, angular features and piercing grey eyes. They all gaze skyward, as the four gleaming stardestroyers scream low overhead in an impressive barrel-roll formation. As the sound of the spacecraft resonates throughout the glass canyon of the Plaza, the group of dignitaries return their attention to the parade of Imperial shock troops, and giant air tanks (which ride magically two to three feet above the ground). The Plaza of the Dader is filled with a hundred rows of troops as the last brigade marches into position. The sound of a thousand men snapping to attention is followed by a strange silence. A light wind blows the great red banner of the Empire, creating a subtle flapping sound. The emperor's amplified voice startles many of the troops as it cuts through the quiet. EMPEROR Upon this battle depends the survival of the Galactic Empire. Upon this battle depends the life and long continuity of our civilization. Not since the great Jedi Rebellion has our destiny been placed in such a balance. This is to be the most magnificent campaign of all! You have never been called without doing something to be remembered, something notable and striking. The conquering of the Aquilaean System, the last of the independent Systems, and the last refuge of the outlawed, vile sect of the Jedi, will have such important and lasting consequences, that I can't but consider it as an epoch in history. To the rear of the Plaza, watching the spectacle over the shoulder of a curious bureaucrat, stands CLIEG WHITSUN, a tall, blond young man about twenty years old. He seems interested in what the emperor has to say, but keeps looking around ner- vously as if someone were after him. His arm rests across his head, as he carefully but coolly adjusts a glowing blue ring on his index finger. The emperor nears the end of his speech. Crispin Hoedaack has moved up to stand next to the sinister monarch. The troops shout an Imperial salute in response to a particularly partisan statement. EMPEROR (Con't) ... I have personally asked the Aquilaeans to accept this Treaty of Alliance. During the long period of negotiation, they have only decided to be undecided. We will barter no longer. Governor Hoedaack has been appointed the First Lord of the Aquilaean System and Sur- rounding Territories. This is the last frontier and the final stone in the great wall of the Galactic Empire. The troops cheer, and the emperor escorts Hoedaack inside. Whitsun moves quickly away from the Plaza, passing through several check stations, where he is forced to show his identification. 9. NIGHT CLUB - ALDERAAN Whitsun walks into the glass and chrome splendor of one of the famous nightclubs of Alderaan. He moves to the long mirrored bar, and sits next to a rough-looking man, BAIL ANTILLES, dressed in the distinctive gold and furs of the Galactic traders. WHITSUN Your glass is empty. Whitsun speaks into a small intercom on the bar front. WHITSUN (Con't) A dantic and... He looks in Antilles' glass. ANTILLES No thanks, Whitsun. I've had enough. WHITSUN Just a dantic then. Bail, it's not like you to refuse a drink. You're going to give Galactic traders a bad name. A drink appears magically from a small elevator in the bar. Whitsun takes it, and then places a pen-like transmitter he has taken from his pocket, next to the intercom. It creates a low electronic buzz. 10. BAR OBSERVATION CENTER - ALDERAAN A controller sitting in front of a row of monitors taps his headphones, then flips a switch back and forth a couple of times. He is obviously annoyed. CONTROLLER Number eighteen is out again. Give me a maintenance check. The controller yawns and puts his feet up on the control panel. 11. NIGHTCLUB - ALDERAAN Whitsun leans in close to Antilles. He is suddenly very serious. ANTILLES Whitsun, we've got problems. They've just grounded all spacecraft, including trade frigates. Even the ships under Imperial registry can't move. Something big is up. WHITSUN I'm afraid they're not waiting for the Allience Treaty. They're already moving against the System. I've got to get word back. ANTILLES The chrome companies are protesting the embargo, but it's going to take some time. WHITSUN Isn't anything moving? ANTILLES Military ships, but... They are interrupted by an Imperial officer, and several storm troopers. The officer shouts over the P.A. system, as the troops rush to block the exits. Whitsun and the Galactic trader are tense, but remain cool. OFFICER Attention: all Captains and First Officers of Guild Trade frigates will accompany me to the Ministry of Transport immediately. Antilles gives Whitsun a hopeless look as the troops check their papers, and then take Antilles away. A small fight breaks out in the back of the nightclub as one of the trader captains expresses his dislike of the Empire. Whitsun slams his glass to the bar in a gesture of hate and frustration. 12. GOVERNOR HOEDAACK'S QUARTERS - ALDERAAN The large, white-on-white executive quarters resound with the high-pitched laugh of the evil GOVERNOR HOEDAACK. He slaps DARTH VADER, a tall, grim-looking general, on the back, and the general's mouth makes the slightest gesture at a smile. HOEDAACK Success, I told you. We are no longer under the control of the Great Families.... We've gained a true advantage. VANTOS COLL, a member of the Supreme Tribunal, and a man of the grossest dimensions, appears to be a little worried. COLL A rather dangerous advantage. You still have a System to conquer. HOEDAACK But this System will bring us more scientific wealth than that of any other House in the Tribunal. We will easily gain control of the directorship. COLL Don't underestimate the armies of Aquilae. They're lead by a JEDI. HOEDAACK I've told you about Commissioner Lars, General. He worries a lot. VADER It's a myth that any Jedi still exist. COLL General Skywalker is no myth. When I first arrived at court, he was the First Bodyguard to the emperor... He lead the Jedi Rebellion. VADER SEIG DARKLIGHTER lead the Rebellion. COLL So the emperor would have you think, but I was there. VADER Then why wasn't he hunted down like the others? COLL Because he is too dangerous, too clever. Besides, his presence on Aquilae is still only a rumor. HOEDAACK Then why do you believe it? COLL Because I knew him. He's there all right. I can sense it. Mark my words... Aquilae will not be easily conquered. 13. COURTYARD - PALACE OF LITE - AQUILAE A low, sleek "landspeeder," (an auto-like transport which travels a few feet above the ground on a magnetic field), glides into the courtyard of the palace of Aquilae. The planet is desert wilder- ness, but the palace is a sparkling oasis, with low concrete walls and great turrets spilling over with foliage from rooftop gardens. The speeder stops before an enormous shaded corridor. Fountains line the beautiful and highly polished, tiled walkway. Two young boys, BIGGS (7) and WINDOM (5) are helped out of the speeder by AMBER, a one-armed bodyguard dressed in the flowing white robes of the Aquilaean military. The two boys run through the long corridors, yelling and screaming, their little footsteps echoing throughout the palace. 14. LIBRARY - PALACE OF LITE - AQUILAE The palace library is a dim, cool room projecting an aura of time-worn comfort and security. In the distance, the children can be heard screaming through the corridors. KING Kayos, silver-haired but amazingly youthful under a tanned and leathery face, motions for one of his aidesto shut the partially closed door. He is in the middle of an emergency meeting of the Aquilaean High Senate. The twelve men sit in overstuffed chairs, placed in a large circle. A large, sallow-eyed Galatic trader named AAY ZAVOS fiddles nervously with a small scrap of leather as he speaks. ZAVOS My Lord, the chrome companies are with you in spirit, but you must understand, they can't openly support you.... Imperial trade restrictions are very unfavorable, and we of course, favor your independence. KAYOS If there were to be war, would your frigates still supply us? ZAVOS Your bluntness is to be commended....It could be arranged. COUNT SANDAGE, a corrupt noble of the Senate, jumps to his feet in a rage. SANDAGE This is nonsense! We have no choice but to approve the Treaty. If there is war, the Empire will destroy our entire System with a snap of the finger. General Skywalker is a dreamer if he thinks he can mount any meaningful resistance....And you're dreamers if you believe him. So much trust in one aged man. You must see... At that moment, all heads turn as someone enters the room. It is GENERAL LUKE SKYWALKER, Commander of the Aquilaean Star- force. He is a large man, apparently in his early sixties, but actually much older. Everyone senses the aura of power that radiates from this great warrior. Here is a leader: a JEDI general. He looks weary, but is still a magnificent looking warrior. His face, cracked and weathered by exotic climates, is set off by a close silver beard, and dark, pene- trating eyes. Sandage is somewhat embarrassed and quietly sits down. GENERAL Is there anyone here so naive he believes the Empire would even bother negotiating if they were contemplating destruction of this System? Your Excellencies, this is more than a simple raid on your resources. You must reach a decision. MIR NASH, a thin, birdlike senator, turns to the general. NASH General Skywalker, war is a serious business... a deadly business. GENERAL Procrastination is a deadly business, Senator. War is my business. Have you approved my defense measures? The GRANDE MOUFF TARKIN wears the long, black robes of the Aquilaean religion. He speaks with a high, cracking voice. TARKIN An actual war with the Empire is still only a remote possibility. As a military treatise, your proposal has certain merits, but in the harsh light of reality, an attack against the Empire appears to be a somewhat extreme defense. NASH You must understand, General, we are interested in avoiding a war, not starting one. GENERAL There are times when offense makes the best defense. If that Allience Treaty isn't signed, we will need all of the advantage we can get. KAYOS Count Sandage, I want you to head the delegation to Alderaan. You will leave tomorrow with our answer regarding the Treaty. My decision will be forthcoming. The senators whisper among themselves. KAYOS (Cont.) All right, then. May the force of others be with you all. The senators leave in a flurry of hushed conversation. The general is lost in thought, and remains in his chair. Biggs and Windom (Windy), the king's two young sons, storm through the existing senators and rush on to Kayos' lap. The king is obviously very proud of the two young princes. He throws Biggs into the air, and then catches him again. WINDY Me too! Me too! BIGGS LEIA's leaving! Leia's leaving and you gotta say good-bye. The king picks up Windy and swings him around, then puts him down. KAYOS Okay, whippersnapper, go tell your mother and your sister that I'm on my way. The two boys run out of the room and are heard yelling and screaming down the hallway. The king starts out, but stops in front of the general. KAYOS Luke, my daughter is leaving for the academy at CHATHOS. Won't you come and wish her well? It would mean a lot to her. She truly idolizes you, you know. Come on, the war will wait. GENERAL Of course. I'm sorry, My Lord. Politics always seem to distress me. The general rises, and as they head for the door, Kayos pats him on the back. KAYOS I know, Luke. I feel THE FORCE also. 15. COURTYARD - PALACE OF LITE - AQUILAE A large, four-seat speeder sits gleaming in the sun-soaked courtyard. The PRINCESS LEIA, about fourteen years old, possessing a soft beauty and iron will, is embracing her mother, QUEEN BREHA, a warm, silver-haired matron. There are tears in the princess' blue eyes. Biggs and Windy jump around inside the speeder, disrupting the efforts of the one- armed Amber to pack several plaxiform cases. Leia embraces the king as he approaches with the general. LEIA Oh, Daddy, I'll miss you so. KAYOS The semester will be over before you know it. You'll have a grand time. There are so many new things to learn. I wish I were going. He gives her a fatherly smile, and she hugs him again. The general stands rather formally to one side. The princess, her long auburn hair tied in braids, moves to the general and he bows before her. GENERAL May your studies do you honor. Leia is somewhat embarrassed by the general's formality and can only manage an awkward smile before returning to her parents at the speeder. BREHA Hurry Leia. You must make it to Yuell before nightfall. The princess' maids-in-waiting, ALANA, a short, stocky girl, and MINA, more comely (somewhat the same stature as Leia) with long dark hair, giggle and straighten Leia's dress before she enters the speeder. The princess and Mina hug Alana whose giggles have turned to tears. The two boys scramble out of the speeder as Amber helps the princess and her maid into the back seat. The speeder is piloted by a trooper of the First Order. Amber jumps into the seat beside him, and the speeder starts with a low buzzing sound. The princess waves to her family, and Mina waves to Alana as the speeder slowly glides out of the courtyard. 16. WAR ROOM - UNDERGROUND FORTRESS - AQUILAE The war room is a mass of glass enclosures, electronic wall displays, monitors, and computer stations. General Skywalker enters a control station, followed by a covey of military aides of various ranks. As the group hurry through the crowded room, men rise and salute the new arrivals. The general stops before a giant display of the galaxy. Small symbols flash on and off over various portions of the big board. The general studies it intently. GENERAL Montross! CAPTAIN MONTROSS, one of the general's aides, snaps to attention. MONTROSS Sir! GENERAL What's the TQ on this? MONTROSS The last frigate to leave the Imperial capital was at twenty-three forty, Sir. GENERAL Have any ships at all left the planet? (to another aide) Check with the Guild on Norton three. MONTROSS At twenty-four hundred, a full battalion of stardestroyers left for what is projected to be ANCHORHEAD, or a nearby System. GENERAL And no word from Whitsun. He should have reported by now. Captain Prue! An older, academic looking aide, steps forward. PRUE Sir! GENERAL What do you make of this? PRUE A battalion is invasion force... but the Empire controls that entire part of the galaxy.... A revolution, maybe. At any rate, they're going in the wrong direction to be any trouble for us. The general ponders this for a few moments, then speaks almost to himself. GENERAL I don't know... It doesn't feel good. MONTROSS Sir? GENERAL Put 'em on alert. A loud uproar is heard on the far side of the war room. Everyone turns to see a foreign dressed warrior pushing his way past several guards and war-room bureaucrats. The warrior, with his long hair tied in an odd bun on the top of his head, is Kane Starkiller. He is followed by his son, Annikin, who rudely pushes the pesky bureaucrats out of the way. BUREAUCRATS It's restricted. You'll have to wait...(etc.) KANE Get out of my way, boy, before I grind you into the surface...(etc.) As the dauntless Starkiller approaches the general, the guards stop in bewilderment as General Skywalker rushes up to the warrior and embraces him. The two Jedi warriors laugh jubilantly and slap one another, as the aides and bureaucrats look on in amazement. GENERAL Kane Starkiller - you old muscle-rat! What a sight! We heard that you had been executed. KANE So the Empire would like to believe. I've been in the KESSIL System. You remember little Annikin. Kane puts his arm around his son, who has been making eyes at one of the cute young female aides. He bows before the General. GENERAL He takes after his mother! (They laugh) It's so good to see you. KANE It's wonderful to be with another Jedi again. There are so few of us left. The cute aide goes back to her duties, flirting with Annikin as she passes. The young warrior pinches her on the ass, which startles her, but she goes on like nothing happened. GENERAL What a sight! The two JEDI stand looking at one another, hardly believing the other is real. Finally, the general realizes his aides are standing around, gawking at the duo. GENERAL (to the aids) Wake up, gentlemen. You're on alert. Keep me posted on that battalion. 17. CONTROL STATION - UNDERGROUND FORTRESS - AQUILAE The general, Starkiller, and his son enter a small glass enclosed control office. They sit, and an awkward silence passes as each man waits for the other to speak. KANE I've come for your help. GENERAL Anything you ask. You're a JEDI brother. We're one. KANE My friend, we've been through much together... I've been through much since we parted. I've lost much... The Empire has chased us half way across the galaxy... There is no refuge. One day they will come here... Take my son as your Padawan Learner. He would be a Jedi. I've trained him from birth. He's reached the fifth stage. He fought in the Kessilian civil wars and commanded a Hubble expedition to the CONE Systems. He's a good boy, Luke, and one hell of a fighter. The general looks down, somewhat embarrassed. He scratches his head, then smiles. GENERAL Old friend, you do me too much honor. I was never a match for you. Why don't you finish his training yourself? KANE I'm too old, Luke. I can't go on... You must finish it. GENERAL What kind of talk is this? You're not the old Starkiller I remember. Too old?!? Starkiller suddenly ignites in a rage and swings his left forearm down with a mighty blow across the solid chrome desk the general is-sitting-on. The old JEDI warrior's forearm cracks in two, spewing forth wires, and many fine multicolored electronic components. The artificial limb flops lifelessly to Starkiller's side. The warrior rips open his tunic, revealing a plastic chest stuffed with flashing electric parts. KANE (angrily) I'm not the same. There is nothing left but my head and right arm... I've lost too much, Luke...I'm dying. The general bows his head in sorrow for one of the greatest warriors in the galaxy and a dear friend. GENERAL I'm sorry... KANE I'm sorry. I keep losing control. I'm very tired... Take my son! The JEDI-BENDU must survive. We must pass it on. Only a JEDI can stop the Empire. We're very old, Luke. A new generation of JEDI must be started. Take him; teach him the way of the JEDI- BENDU... Captain Montross bursts into the office and somewhat excitedly salutes the general. MONTROSS Sir, we have picked up something! An asteroid, or solid comet moving away from the Anchorhead System. 18. WAR ROOM - UNDERGROUND FORTRESS - AQUILAE The general rushes out of the control station and back to the giant Galactic display. He is followed by Montross, Starkiller and his son. GENERAL Are you sure it's not the battalion? MONTROSS A solid object. It's as big as our Third Moon. PRUE It's too large to be man-made, and it's too slow to be a comet. GENERAL Analysis? MONTROSS It's too far out. GENERAL I'll be with the king. Report as soon as you can get a reading on it. (turning to Kane's son) Captain Starkiller, from now on you stick close to me. The older Starkiller smiles, and puts his good arm around his old friend. 19. DINING CHAMBER - PALACE OF LITE - AQUILAE King Kayos moves his arm around BREHA's waist as they stand on a balcony watching the giant twin suns of Aquilae disappear behind a distant dune range. The general enters, rather in a rush, followed by the young Starkiller, who is now dressed in the white uniform of the Aquilaean starforce. (He still wears the distinctive Kessilian hair knot.) They bow before the king. KAYOS (pointing to the suns) Aren't they beautiful, General? "Always and never the same." You're just in time for dinner. GENERAL I have come for other reasons. Could.... KAYOS Relax, General. We will discuss it, but over dinner. There are times, Luke, when I find you a bit too rigid. Is this your new disciple? Starkiller is ill at ease and bows again. STARKILLER Annikin Starkiller, Sir. KAYOS Where's Kane? GENERAL He left for the spaceport at GORDON to visit an old friend, Han Solo, the Ureallian. KAYOS We are becoming quite a refuge. The group sits at a large table, and food is brought in by servants. They eat. Starkiller is nervous and watches the general, to make sure he is being proper. GENERAL My Lord, several events have occurred which lead me to believe we are in imminent danger of attack. There is no longer time for discussion and debate... KAYOS What events? GENERAL Whitsun, our best agent, has disappeared in the Imperial capital. There is unusual military traffic in the S-4 sectors... KAYOS Unless you have direct, concrete proof of a pending attack, there is nothing I can do. GENERAL By the time we have proof, it may be too late. KAYOS Luke, I'm leaving tonight for AMSEL. I'm meeting with the full assembly first thing in the morning. I am not going to approve the Alliance Treaty, and I will get your defense measure approved. Just be patient. You will have the war code. GENERAL Tomorrow may be too late. My Lord, I need the war code now. We must get our forces into space. KAYOS But it must be done legally, with everyone's approval. Tomorrow you will have that. I doubt the Empire would attack before receiving our answer. The separation of war powers is the one condition upon which you assumed command of our forces. You're a friend, Luke, and I trust you. But you're also an outlander who controls a great deal of power. I can't for- sake my oath any more than you can. Just be patient. You will have the code tomorrow. Captain Montross enters the large chamber and bows before the king. MONTROSS I bring a report to General Skywalker, My Lord. KAYOS You may deliver it. MONTROSS Sir, the asteroid has disappeared from our scopes. There is no trace of it. GENERAL Were they able to analyze it? MONTROSS It never came within range, Sir. The general rises, quickly followed by Starkiller. GENERAL Excuse us, My Lord. We'd better get back. I will wait patiently for the approval. The general and Montross exit the chamber. Starkiller takes one last bite of his dinner, then dashes after his mentor. 20. WAR ROOM - UNDERGROUND FORTRESS - AQUILAE The general sits rigidly, facing the big Galactic display board. Several aides and bureaucrats rush to and fro, ignoring the general. He is asleep. Captain Prue approaches the general and snaps to attention. The general's eyes open. GENERAL What are the results? PRUE Negative, Sir. GENERAL Are you sure? PRUE Absolutely. GENERAL It's just not possible. Something that size can't just disappear without a trace...Check it again. PRUE That's the tenth negative, Sir. GENERAL I said check it again. Captain Prue retreats to a computer station. The general looks around for Starkiller. GENERAL Starkiller! Everyone near the general turns, but Starkiller doesn't show. GENERAL Where is that boy? Montross! Montross rushes to the general and snaps to attention. GENERAL Page Starkiller. Montross goes back to his station and a few moments later, Starkiller is paged over the P.A. system. The general waits, watching the big board. Eventually, Starkiller stumbles out of an enclosed computer closet, fastening his pants and tucking in his tunic. A moment later, the cute female aide rather sheepishly exits the computer closet. She is also in the process of putting her uniform back together. Starkiller rushes up to the general and snaps to attention. The general lets him stand there for a moment, not acknow- ledging his presence; then, suddenly, without warning and in one masterful flash motion, the general stands, grabs a small baton attached to his belt (which immediately ignites into a four-foot glowing lazersword,) and swings at the young warrior's head. In an equally quick movement, Starkiller ignites his lazersword and blocks the general's blow. Everyone in the war room is surprised and startled. After a moment, they rush to the general. Starkiller and the general stand motionless for a few moments, with lazerswords locked in mid-air, creating a low buzzing sound. Finally, the general grins, and Starkiller hesitantly relaxes. They lower their swords and turn them off. GENERAL You are trained well, but remember, a JEDI must be single-minded, a discipline your father obviously never learned, hence your existence. Clean yourself up. Discipline is essential. Your mind must follow the way of the BENDU. STARKILLER It won't happen again, Sir. There are many new.... P.A. General Skywalker, white com. The general moves to a control station and picks up a phone. PHONE VOICE Sir, Captain Whitsun has just been admitted to Med Vac. GENERAL What's his condition? PHONE VOICE No data, Sir. GENERAL I'm on my way. 21. MED VAC EMERGENCY ROOM - UNDERGROUND FORTRESS Captain Starkiller waits in an outer chamber as General Sky- walker rushes into the Med Vac emergency room where several doctors are working on the prostrate Whitsun. GENERAL What's his condition? Is he conscious? DOCTOR Partially. He's be all right - a few bruises, primary exhaustion.... Whitsun thrashes around in a semi-conscious state. He sees the general. GENERAL What happened, boy? What's going on? WHITSUN (with difficulty) The Imperial Starforce is already on its way, not far behind me... They're going to attack. GENERAL Are you sure? WHITSUN I have tapes...A giant space fortress.... He struggles to give General Skywalker his ring. GENERAL As big as our Third Moon? WHITSUN Bigger. It's unlike anything I've ever seen. Sophisticated deflection systems.... work in opposition to the suns. GENERAL They will show up on our screens at sunrise. They'll attack before that. The general rushes into the outer chamber where Captain Starkiller is waiting for him. GENERAL Take the fastest landspeeder to CHATHOS. Pick up Princess Leia... and only Princess Leia. Return by way of the Great Reef. Most speed. Starkiller exits and the general goes to an intercom and pushes several buttons. GENERAL Montross. MONTROSS Sir! GENERAL Full alert....everything! Get the Royal Family back here. MONTROSS The princess is at CHATHOS. There are no transports.... GENERAL I've already sent Captain Starkiller for her! Contact the king, first priority. He's probably still en route to AMSEL. Use the scan com. I'm on my way. 22. WAR ROOM - UNDERGROUND FORTRESS - AQUILAE The war room is on full alert. Everyone is at attention, waiting for the command that will put them into action. The general enters a communication center, followed by many aides. Captain Montross and the com aide salute. MONTROSS We're having a problem getting through, Sir. There is a great deal of interference. PRUE It could be jamming. GENERAL Try a surface link through AMSEL. The aides go back to the com-link system to try to get a line through to the king. PRUE We should be able to spot them at sunrise.... That's not too far off. GENERAL They'll attack with sunrise. Until the king gives us that code to start the war computers, we'll just have to sit tight. PRUE All units are on alert, Sir. GENERAL (to Montross) Have you made contact yet? (to himself) This is one hell of a way to run a war. PRUE Sir? 23. COURTYARD - ACADEMY OF CHATHOS - AQUILAE A landspeeder roars into a courtyard of the Academy at Chathos. Starkiller jumps out, and runs up to the large, heavy doors of the academy. They are locked. He bangs madly on the carved metallic door, until finally an old woman manages to swing it open. Starkiller rushes past her into the main courtyard where Princess Leia and her hand-maiden, Mina, struggle with two large cases. They are followed by two very old matrons, dragging several more cases. STARKILLER Forget the cases - we've no time. LEIA These are my things. They must... STARKILLER I said forget them, and hurry... LEIA Just who do you think you are? Starkiller grabs the princess by the arm, and hauls her to the speeder. Mina and the old women run after them. LEIA I will not be treated like this! You bring my things.... My father will have your head... (etc.) Leia struggles to break away from the young warrior's grasp as he opens the door of the speeder. STARKILLER Settle down! When the door to the speeder is opened, Mina starts in, and Starkiller stops her. STARKILLER You must stay. Here, take the Crest. Starkiller rips the royal crest from the princess' neck, and hands it to the startled handmaiden. The old women gasp in horror. The princess starts hitting Starkiller with little result. PRINCESS Mina's not staying...I'm not leaving her. You can't.... Starkiller punches her square on the jaw and knocks her cold. Mina is panic stricken, one of the old women faints, and another starts for Starkiller with a large staff. STARKILLER She'll be all right. I'm taking her to safety... as ordered. You will wear the crest and continue as before. The authority of Starkiller's voice stops the old lady. He places the princess into the speeder, and maneuvers it out of the courtyard. Mina puts on the crest as the speeder races away from the academy. 24. WAR ROOM - UNDERGROUND FORTRESS - AQUILAE Queen Breha, Biggs and Windy are escorted into a rest area of the war room. General Skywalker sits rigidly in a chair in the communications area, apparently asleep. MONTROSS Sir, we've made contact! The general opens his eyes and takes the intercom mike. KAYOS What is it, General? GENERAL The Empire will attack on the rising of the sun. My agent made it back. I now have proof. I need the war code... KAYOS I'll relay it directly to the computer. Is Breha...? GENERAL The Royal Family is safe. Starkiller has gone after Princess Leia... KAYOS I'm on my way back. 25. RED PLAINS - AQUILAE The small caravan of four speeders sits motionless on the vast red plains of Aquilae. The king returns the intercom to the pilot and takes a small metallic card from around his neck and gives it to the co-pilot. KAYOS Send this sub-land, priority one. (to the pilot) Get us back to CALVAS immediately! The four speeders turn around and scream away in the direction they had come. They pass a huge ultrasleek powerplow, planting green fungus in endless furrows. Two clay-covered farmers, riding atop the ponderous machine, watch the speeders disappear over the horizon, and into the rising twin suns. A bright object, twinkling in early morning heavens, catches the eye of the older of the two farmers, and he brings the machine to a lumbering halt. The younger farmer also notices the object, and stares skyward, shading his eyes to get a better view. Suddenly there is a huge, bright atomic flash on the horizon. A few moments later, a thunderous shaking, followed by high winds, tumbles the older farmer from his perch. A second flash on the opposite horizon brings another jolting earthquake, and the younger farmer collapses, terror frozen on his face. 26. READYROOM - SPACEPORT OUTPOST - AQUILAE Chaos. Red scramble lights are flashing. Alert horns and attack buzzers create an unbelievable cacophony. Air warriors, with the distinctive circle and cross medallion on their white space suits, scramble out of the low, concrete readyroom, grabbing helmets and spacepacks as they race out of the door. 27. ATTACK RUNWAY - SPACEPORT OUTPOST - AQUILAE Twelve pilots and navigators dash in unison to a line of waiting two-man starships of the destroyer class. Ground crews scurry back and forth, loading last-minute armament, and unlocking power couplings. PILOT LEADER, a rugged, handsome boy of twenty, gives his ground crew a signal that his is okay. He has a winning smile and a distinctive scar along the side of his face. His crew chief pats him on the back. CHIEF Knock them all the way back to Alderaan. The canopy is closed and the powerful starship moves onto the runway. Other crewmen say good-bye to their pilots, some grin, some kidding - all with a great deal of hidden emotion. The din of two dozen retrorockets cuts through the uproar, and six silver spacecraft leave the runway, and disappear into the morning cloud cover. 28. WAR ROOM - UNDERGROUND FORTRESS - AQUILAE The general stands before a giant display of the Aquilaean solar system. Montross signals the general. MONTROSS They're away, Sir. Six from Gordon. All other space- ports were hit. The king hasn't arrived yet. GENERAL Keep checking. Put those fighters' intercom over the P.A. The general sits at one of the intercom panels, and puts on a headphone. A row of monitors is before him. He turns to Montross. GENERAL Where are they? 29. SPACE - AQUILAE IN ECLIPSE The eerie, reddish-yellow planet of Aquilae slowly drifts into view from total eclipse. A small, bright speck, orbiting the planet, sparkles in the light of the twin suns. The six deadly Aquilaean starships settle ominously into the fore- ground, moving swiftly toward the orbiting speck. As the sleek starships move closer, the orbiting speck is revealed to be a gargantuan space fortress. The moon-sized satellite fortress dwarfs the approaching fighters. Every few moments, explosions create blinding flashes on the planet's surface, as the fortress bombards the planet with a fusillade of lazer bolts. 30. AQUILAEAN STARSHIP - INTERIOR Pilot Leader, in the first ship, signals to his navigator who sits in a small, isolated glass bubble to the rear of the craft. General Skywalker is seen on one of many monitors. A view of the space fortress is on another. The rest are filled with various computer readouts and displays. One of the other starships reports to Pilot Leader. DEVIL SIX (intercom) Look at the size of that thing! Hey, Bowman, I hope you remembered to bring your pop gun, 'cause I think we caught us a big one this time.... PILOT LEADER Cut off, Devil Six....Stand by. GENERAL (monitor) It looks like they're still using the basic quad-tristation configuration. Use a "ranger defense." Concentrate on breath ports and lock areas. PILOT LEADER Affirmative base...Copy and transmit.... Devil Two, check your rotation plates. DEVIL TWO Roger, Boss. We're getting a threshold dis- turbance on gyro-three. GENERAL (monitor) Switch over, Five, cover it! ...Devil pack, generate a spread six formation...May the force </p> <div style="padding: 5 0 5 0;" class="pageshare"> <a href="" target="_blank" title="Oszd meg a Facebook-on"><img src="/image/icons/facebook.png" width="20" height="20" /></a> <a href="!&source=tweetbutton&text=&" target="_blank" title="Oszd meg Twitter-en"><img src="/image/icons/twitter.png" width="20" height="20" /></a> <iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:100px; height:20px;"></iframe> </div></td><td class="center_side_right"></td></tr><tr> <td class="separator" background="./style/scifi_ftl.gif">&nbsp;</td> <td class="separator" background="./style/scifi_ftm.gif">&nbsp;</td> <td class="separator" background="./style/scifi_ftr.gif">&nbsp;</td> </tr></table></td></tr></table> </td> <td class="sitecol"><table class="column_side"><tr><td class="column_side_td"><table class="module" cellpadding="0" 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